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Posts posted by lsamuel3

  1. Judging by Nathan Moore's latest FB status update the guys are done recording! One week flew by it seems.

    In other Slip related news My buddy has been running a pretty prominent Phish blog as of late called Dog Gone Blog (http://dogoneblog.wordpress.com/). He just featured a nice new segment on The Slip with some choice tracks plucked from some shows I sent him.

    He's come to understand The Slip and plans on featuring them more and more as he's into them pretty hard now.

    Funny enough he's also working at Relix now and in the midst of editing my review of The Barr Brothers album

    Anyways give the segment a read and a listen. He's a great writer http://dogoneblog.wordpress.com/2010/11/23/the-listening-station-the-slip/

  2. Yah I only heard about them like a month ago. I was watching AUX tv and I saw their Bedrooms + Backstreets tour documentary. It's an amazing film, really beautifully shot and it sold me on the band. Their show at Lee's Palace was probably my #1 concert of the year so far!

  3. In short here is what Listen.in does:

    Listen.in is a social music hub that gives you access to your friend's iTunes and WMP playlists and music in real-time, with the chance to earn badges that will define your inner mogul.

    Listen.in gives you a way to see what your friends are listening to live. We're currently in the process of signing up music influencers, musicians, celebrities and more. For example, right now we have Kyle Lynd Music Supervisor for the hit UK television show Skins (which MTV is now bringing to Canada) signed up. You can check out what Kyle is listening to which is cool because chances are some of those tunes will wind up on the tv show he works for.

    It's a neat service for music bloggers too, because instead of just reading about what music they are into these days, you can actually listen in (no pun intended) on the music they are checking out.

    We are basically providing a new way for people to connect to one another effortlessly. All you do is play your music through iTunes like you would normally, and Listen.in broadcasts it automatically to your profile page and feed. It's a very simple site and concept.

    Signing up to Listen.in only gives us access to your iTunes playlists and music. There are filter options if you don't want to publicly share certain songs or playlists. The only info we take from Facebook is your friend's list so we can recommend people to you to follow/friend's who are already signed up to Listen.in

  4. Peter Wolf Crier and Vetiver opened.

    Vetiver was great. I really enjoy their music, and Andy Cabic has a great voice live. Taylor Goldsmith came out and played a few songs with them too which were nicely jammed out. The crowd was really receptive towards them. There were only a handful of folks watching Peter Wolf Crier who came off as very over dramatic vocally.

  5. Hey everyone,

    The company I work for (PushLife) just launched a new site called Listen.in (www.listen.in).

    In short, Listen.in is a new music website that allows you to share and discover music with your friends in real-time.

    Head over to www.listen.in to sign-up. The sign-up process couldn't be easier as there is an automated Facebook login.

    To ensure that Listen.in runs smoothly, please take a minute to update your iTunes to the latest version.

    Please don't hesitate to email me (lucas@pushlife.com) or PM me with any questions or comments.

    Thanks all!

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