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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. Oh for sure... never claimed I was doing anyone a favor.
  2. Well... it's a better return then GM stocks...
  3. Oh I'm the first to admit it was a bad idea... Which is why I'm going to resell at face. Just want that little something more for my trouble. Nothing big. Doesn't even need to have a monetary value.
  4. Looks like I'm going to have my most expensive book mark yet!
  5. So here's the deal. Quite a while ago I purchased this ticket from Tickets Now. I paid about 2x face for it. I did this before I had a hampton ticket, and before darien was announced, in a spurt of phish need. Unfortunately my girlfriends graduation is the same day, and I will be unable to make the show. I have no intention of charging what I paid for the ticket, I am perfectly happy taking face, but I would like something special to sweeten the deal. Perhaps an old t-shirt, maybe you smoke me down on a sesh when you grab the ticket, or any other awesome idea you can come up with. I know I've lost a bunch of money in this transaction, so help me lose some money with a smile!
  6. I'm drinking beers! Woot to the 8 pack of tall boys! 3 down 5 to go!
  7. I can suggest me... if you like. Although I usually do on set photography and still life. Not really big onto doing huge setups... like using natural light.
  8. Well it's mine now bitch's!
  9. I wasn't satisfied with emo thug... so I found the worlds best avatar
  10. The PS3 has wifi built in... and you can use it as a media center
  11. I have to agree... I love the whole mad chemist angle they have taken (I've only just finished season 1) The only real issue for me, is that I wish he was cooking something headier than meth...
  12. http://phishthoughts.com/nospoilers/ Shows going to be posted as a torrent in the next hour most likely
  13. Ok guys You need to go to Canada computers... or order online from Tigerdirect.ca You find the standard sata 7200 rpm Like http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4426054&Sku=TSD-1000EADS $109.99 That's OEM... no box, comes in static wrap. Then buy a sata enclosure... you can decide to go usb, firewire, or esata... My box of choice would be http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1951866&CatId=2778 $33.99 That's less than $150 for an external sata hardrive.. which is probably better than most 200 - 300 dollar externals
  14. Ohh I just had the phish stream working for like 10 seconds... neat!
  15. Can we get half points for the Star Spangled Banner call? I think that's fairly legit
  16. Just finishing up season 1.. Wow.. this series is intense. I highly suggest to check it out.
  17. First Set opener - Star Spangled Banner First Set Closer - YEM Second Set Opener - Wilson Second Set Closer - Time Turns Elastic Encore - Harry Hood Wildcard - Ocelot
  18. Get the small mac book... The white one... Or possibly look into a netbook for in and around 400 bucks you can't find a better deal.
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