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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. Second set opens with rock and roll WOW
  2. phishtube.com is up and sounds pretty good!
  3. Phishtube.com is up... jittery as ever. I got to hear 4 bars though before it started buffering~!
  4. So far no stream... Can't even get the at&t link working balls
  5. congrats! sounds like an amazing opportunity!
  6. Thanks birdy... sounds like an amazing stop!
  7. So I just got offered the job of a lifetime. I'll be filming a documentary about route 66. Driving the whole thing over 2 weeks and stopping off at crazy destinations along the way. To those who don't know of the famous road, it runs from chicago to california... or in head lingo Illinois>Missouri>Kansas>Oklahoma>Texas>New Mexico>Arizona>California So... I was curious if anyone has done the drive before, and if they had any places they could suggest along the way. As well the dates are from the June 28th - July 12th... curious if there are any good shows happening along the way,
  8. I've had a fair number of tallboys... Not as fuck... but drunk!
  9. Does not appear that these userneames are transferable... or even changeable for that matter
  10. Heady sbd's http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SW4TARP8
  11. Student line of credit + internet job!
  12. Wow... just finished Character Zero... these guys are on FIRE
  13. What about me schwa... I just don't do it for you anymore? That's hurtful!
  14. Couple questions for you. 1) Who is your favorite Solicitor? 2) What magazines do you not have a subscription to yet? 3) What are you favorite pizza toppings? 4) Do you prefer your escorts to be male or tranny? Thanks!
  15. In the midst of second set right now... WOWzers Bowzer!
  16. Well enjoy the run!! Very jealous.
  17. Basher... talk to cully, he might have room for you
  18. Phish Susquehanna Bank Center June 7, 2009 Set One: Chalkdust Torture Fee Wolfman's Brother Guyute My Sweet One 46 Days -> The Lizards The Wedge Strange Design Tube First Tube Set Two: Sand -> Suzy Greenburg Limb By Limb The Horse -> Silent In The Morning Sugar Shack Character Zero -> Tweezer Encore: Joy Bouncing Around The Room Run Like An Antelope -> Tweezer Reprise
  19. What a show... listening to the Boogie on Raddae Woman again... FUNKY!
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