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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. On the floor, 11th row. This is for 1 ticket, seated directly next to smelly ole me. If my current friend flakes I have no backup, I should know in the next couple hours. Who would like to come? Please let me know in exactly 163 characters!
  2. If anyone has extra's for toronto (if it hasn't happened yet) please pm me... I needs me some Slater. As in AC as in Animal Collective
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEaL8HqufFI
  4. I tried to take all the balls for myself and make my own little corner to prosper in... but everyone else was talking about a hive mind and making a stick figure with genitalia...
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dead_Weather Not to be confused with The Dead
  6. I have two extra's... Who wants em The Deleon Gallery on College st Shows tomorrow at 8
  7. I think I might be able to make it happen... if I'm in town july / aug Exciting line up!
  8. I didn't know there were wookie clowns...
  9. Basher I could probably take those tickets off your hands
  10. Somewhat similar. The writer discussed using telephone coil pickups to monitor electromagnetic sounds. Also went into depth about how early electronic musicians programmed giant servers to output electromagnetic fields at certain frequencies and intervals to essentially create music. This book is really something else though. So far each chapter has been a different project, with full parts guide. The writer walks you through how to assemble and use the variety of hand made electronic music tools, as well as discussion of basic theory of why it is creating these sounds. The thing I am currently enjoying the most with this book is that it is teaching electronics through how it sounds, not how the board looks. Blowing my fragile mind with sonic goodness!
  11. Just started reading "Hand Made Electronic Music" by Nicolas Collins. All about hardware hacking and interesting way to manipulate hardware to make a variety of interesting songs and custom instruments. http://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/0415998735/ref=s9_sims_gw_s3_p14_i1?pf_rd_m=A3DWYIK6Y9EEQB&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=0YERSFRZZD8P1E9XFGGJ&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=465532811&pf_rd_i=915398 Thought I'd let you all know!
  12. I'm more of a mcnugget man myself... I'd love to see the farm/lab where those are grown!!!
  13. Oh I know it's no farm.. they just call it a farm in the name of the video... thought the thread title might grab some peoples attentions.
  14. http://cep.mcdonalds.com/qualityfood/films_from_farms_lopez_video.jsp
  15. CORRECT! You are indeed a jedi of sorts Booche... or at least a padawan. Question 2: Who is your favorite admiral? (There is only one correct answer)
  16. Star Wars Nerd Trivia: What was Luke Skywalker's name in the first draft of the screenplay for Episode 4 A New Hope
  17. You guys should all try to find a movie called "Fanboys" Great movie about star wars nerds... it can be found around the internets if you know how to look
  18. Now I feel like a dork...
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