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Everything posted by TheAlphaNerd

  1. You could try a more visible minority... That's what I do when I want to senselessly hate.
  2. Well then perhaps people who get in accidents due to driving while talking/texting should have to take grade six over again...
  3. The real truth of the matter is that the problem is not talking on the phone and driving... it's multi-tasking and driving. The average person is not able to manage their tasks properly and therefore do not pay enough attention to what is going on in front of them. Personally I have been known to talk on the phone while driving... but I'll have the person on speaker. Heck I'll even text, but I'll do it when my car is stopped. Truth be told I've even played videogames, but it was in gridlock. A ban against driving on cell phones will definitely save lives... but what we really need to do is educate people on task management.
  4. About 5 minutes or so. Most of the time they were just saying freebird and playing the basic chords. It was absolutely hilarious
  5. Just got back from tonight's show. Quite enjoyable My personal highlight was directly after I screamed Free bird.. and the conchords played it!
  6. Appears to me wearing a man skirt... very well could be!
  7. Starhead... don't have your darien. But there is a Toronto trade thread on Phantasy tour.. I've seen a couple people grab dariens, and a couple go up. http://www.phantasytour.com/phish/boards_thread.cgi?threadID=1859388 Best of luck!
  8. Perhaps... but I found the phrase rather dapper...
  9. TheAlphaNerd


    Amazing Ad... Make Jobs... CHANGE!
  10. So as you may or may not know, one Sir Paul McCartney played a set at Coachella. What you might not know is that a DJ by the name of Chris Holmes was on stage just before him. Chris span a really interesting Beatles set, mixing a variety of Beatles songs / covers, and adding in some extra beats and accapella for effect. http://snipr.com/g5kuf Enjoy!
  11. TheAlphaNerd


    Schwa... you are so pretty!
  12. Hey look... it's a tiny url http://tinyurl.com/de3g5a If anyone needs a demonoid invite let me know. Hmmm... smells like flac in here.
  13. I quit about 6 month's ago as a test of mental strength. Been slacking off and having a smoke here and there lately though... perhaps this book will help me knock it off.
  14. I saw these guys last show in Toronto and they blew my mind. These guys are an awesome Canadian act and I highly highly highly highly suggest check check check checking them out. http://www.myspace.com/shoutoutoutoutout
  15. Thanks bouche... just what I needed to help get me moving today!
  16. This is all soooo exciting!
  17. I think the real trick is to be looking at overall trends and larger carbon footprints. Not just a hybrid car or a recyclable bag. If only the dead were recyclable without becoming brain eating zombies...
  18. Nice little article from wired... about how it is technically more green to purchase a used vehicle with good mileage than a hybrid. http://blog.wired.com/cars/2008/05/the-ultimate-pr.html How many of these "Green Thinking" Prius driving will ditch the vehicle before 50,000 km...?
  19. I don't know if any of you frequent this music blog... but I can't get enough of it. Updated frequently, each post of this blog introduces the reader to an album, with a bit of history on it as well as the artist. The writer has a very broad span of music, and always includes a link to download the album (although lately it has been in the comments section). http://catrainbow.com/
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