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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Where were you when I needed you at 8am???
  2. I saw that on TSN a little bit ago Badams and was so sketched out I thought I was hearing things. "Alfie has a knee injury?"
  3. HOLY SHIT! YOU HAVE BACON TITS DINGHY!!!!! Damn, I am fucking starved.
  4. You and me be kidding ourselves if we thought these guys had any money left.
  5. You wouldnt if you saw what he did to his bank account last night and he was your wife.
  6. Yup, just like Neil in Boston last week. Same fucking thing. I am really sketchy and need to eat. Someone want to help me wake these losers up?
  7. Fuck the Sun. That's bullshit. Remember Neil on Drury?
  8. He almost got us into 3 fights trying to pick up chicks with boyfriends so he decided we had to hit the *clubs* where you have to pay for them.
  9. I am still in Montreal trying to rise the troops for some titsteak. I am starving.
  10. What do you mean there is no talk about the hit Dinghy? Unless I am out of context. It wouldnt surprise me because sleep is needed.
  11. Roller, that dance is out there. Kovy had the crowd dancing as well last night. I am starting to get very sketchy.
  12. I should probably go to bed.
  13. Legendary. The keys to this city are on their way to Ottawa boys. We got interviewed/video'd on RDS or something doing a "Go Habs Go!" complete with a dance and pictures on other media shit. DaveyBoy, the chick taking them had one of those cameras like yours that develop into 4x4's or whatever size they are. We owned every bar we went into tonight. We didnt have to pay for a thing even though the 4 of us ran through 4 of Kanada Kev's mortgage payments. Legendary.
  14. If Teppo Numminen dresses tonight I am going to be yelling out "Teppo! You have no heart!" Oh, that's just nasty.
  15. Really eh Low Roller? So, you couldnt have predicted they were going to put up a stinker against Toronto? In 82 games its going to happen and that was the easiest one to call this year (not that I did). It wasnt so much that they played down to their oponents as it was they were dog-tired, ravaged with injuries and trying to save themselves.
  16. Coming from a guy who rarely gets a chance to WATCH them..............
  17. You should have seen them all dropping like flies in Ottawa on Tuesday night. This team looks banged-up to me. We'll know more tonight.
  18. Not that it really matters in the long run because I aint gonna remember shit from this game. I just hope there are no kids near me tonight.
  19. Dont ever cheer for the Habs again. If I sold anything to a Leaf fan it would be under the guise that it was for charity. Instead I would take the money and get wasted on Moët et Chandon champagne, coke and 1000$ hookers.
  20. It had better be Price since we paid for tickets!
  21. Hey TissueMan, at least we wont have to deal with boring blowhards tonight. The Bell Center is going to be rocking. 1 and a half hours until we leave!
  22. Q: How many Leafs fans does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Five. One to change the bulb and the others to boo Alfredsson.
  23. Actually, that's the button non-Sens fans are able to press when either you or Ollie post.
  24. Your experience was stupid. Before the game, I saw this long haired Sen fan, possibly a chick, trying to get in the face of 40-something Hab fans by quietly stating "Go Sens Go" and I thought "Who is that dumbass dingleberry?" The Hab fans just destroyed him. All of a sudden the Sens fan came into focus. It was you. How embarrassing.
  25. No wonder there is so little life from Sens fans. The usher in our section was trying to implement a 'No-Fun Zone'. Good thing those Hab fans didnt listen to that loopy cunt. They kept pulling out this plastic horn thing and every time she heard it she would run up and try and steal it but they would pass it amongst themselves and hide it from her. Guys were trying to get a 'wave' going and she was trying to stop them! It was like that all night in there. "Wait ze minut. She hiz not looking. Do someting quick."
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