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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Here's the answer. Les Brahs werent going to be scored against. Plain and simple.
  2. While MTL has been really fortuante on the injury front this season, there's no denying in my eyes that this is quite crippling for their end of season run. Looks like he would miss a few playoff games too. Ouch.
  3. The first one is so stupidly brilliant that it makes me worry about the second.
  4. This shit looks so good in high-def. I cant imagine watching it any other way.
  5. What the hell are you going to worry about? Like anyone knows anything. Ever heard of the name Pat Quinn?
  6. Yup. We (Barrett and I) shat our pants watching that second goal from Kovalev. My second favorite image tonight was Kostopoulos. Hell of a black-eye.
  7. The laps were hilarious. BBFCFM
  8. That ridiculous Rochester Disease is still the coolest shit I have ever seen Trey do in front of my eyes. Record low knee-bends. He was attacking the song like no guitar player has ever attacked anything. I am so glad it is caught on tape because my pants almost had my own blood all over them that night. I just wish the whole song was out there for us to see. And I was totally sober.
  9. Fack. When is Begin going to get another chance? When he is 100% healthy and bringing his A-game, he is one devil of a player. I have been missing the energy he brings to the lineup.
  10. My deepest condolences Greg. You didnt let Hud down.
  11. Fuck.The.Record. I hope someone plows out my house.
  12. Tits > Grabs was a wicked goal. Watch for it. Unfortuanate result but points well taken. I shat a few times realizing MTL wasnt on the power play. Halak saved it all in overtime.
  13. Mike, remember Dave Andrews sold 7ish Gretzky rookie cards in the later 80's for a hundred bucks? Yoooooooooouch.
  14. And this is? I am already lined up for Johnny Winter!
  15. I want to see Tom Petty in the lineup.
  16. Last night, Darth Vader came down from planet Vulcan and told me that if I didn't take Lorraine out that he'd melt my brain.
  17. Just be careful out there Hal. That is all I ask.
  18. If you call that "technologically advanced" then you may want to revert to your former self (pre-dreads that is) and try and figure out where you went wrong.
  19. Boy, it sure is hard trying Advanced Search when the first Quick Search doesnt work. Maybe you two should both live in the wild and let natural selection run its course.
  20. That's the biggest load of crap people try and sell me on a day to day basis.
  21. You cant get the Search function to work but somehow you think you could survive in the wild?
  22. And then you can copy it and flip it on Amazon for a wicked profit a year later.
  23. In the "This just in" file, phorbesie is bat-shit 100% correct.
  24. Hahhahaa, I love it when the Four Habs Fans do a faux-imitation of Halak.
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