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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Rumour has it Basher is going to be in another poker tournament soon. Maybe you can buy a share of that as well. You obviously have the pedigree for it.
  2. Well, that proves to me how prestigious it is.
  3. I used it here first sucker.
  4. But you did lose, correct? We both walked away without the Stanley Cup. Yay for us! Have fun seeing all those shite games this season while players dial in their performances. And have fun getting there sucker.
  5. How did the Finals work out for you last year? But it got you to buy a bunch of tickets for this upcoming season, right? Suckers are the ones that suck, sucker.
  6. This thread is full of these.
  7. Are we sure this was a foot?
  8. Seems appropriate enough for the teachers we arent.
  9. The Ottawa Lynx Although, I will be missing them for the rest of my summers. We didnt do that this summer so you obviously wont be missing me. Is this because of that "shitty computer speakers" comment?
  10. And for the putzes that dont know why a pitch might be referred to as 'chin music', this should explain it for you:
  11. Well I just had to make it today and say my farewell. Too bad crowds like that hadnt been coming out for the past few years because the ballpark was an absolute blast today, save for long lineups which forced me to only have 2 beers and one of them came because Lynn went to get it for me. It was a great ride while it lasted. I never paid attention to them outside of Lynx Stadium though so I suppose that is why I only went a handful amount of times a season. Memorable games were the first one I saw and Carl Pavano pitched a gem into the 7th (back when they were still affiliated with the Expos), the game that we got totally sauced at and heckled the opposing players while we were behind their dugout (some dude had the last name 'Wilson' and we did a Wilson chant every time he came up to bat...this carried to many other fans picking up on it and Wilson went oh-fer that game) and meeting the Philly Phantic earlier this season all made for a fun little adventure in my town. Its a damn shame people didnt realize what we had but oh well. After dealing with the traffic today I now understand why Lynx management/ownership begged for help. No wonder people didnt go if they were having to deal with that shit. I wouldnt have. Blame the city, not the fans. They fucked this team in every conceivable way. And a final cheers to Ray Pecord (sp?) for keeping true to his word and fighting for what he believed could be sold here if Ottawa would have listened. He kept the team here as long as he could and took a major financial loss each season. Anyways. Here's a shot of the final out with the tying run at the plate in the 9th. A weak grounder. Quite fitting. Gonna miss you boys................
  12. Nobody because it some of the most complete bullshit I have ever seen spewed. August 27th was the switch? Seems like it has been forever to me. Anyways. Whatever. This fury inside wont subside for a little while.
  13. You cant download them. Its been that way for a couple of weeks.
  14. Not just one buddy. Three. Some of it is absolutely amazing to watch but other parts were making me nauseous but that could have also been the booze. The sound is stellar.
  15. GREAT CALL! I knew there was a drummer that has blown me away but I was forgetting who it was. That dude is fucking wicked and gives you the impression he can play drums/percussion on any style of music that you throw at him. He'll figure out the time in no time.
  16. While I understand the general perception that Radiohead is 'todays' Pink Floyd I dont think either band should be simplified to that degree. I used to subscribe to that belief a while ago and keep in mind I am a HUGE fan of both. It was an easy comparison, or so it seemed. Each has a solid understanding of the important usuage of melody amongst the sounds developing via each member in the group and both have written fantastic songs but one is an acid trip while the other makes you want to bust as much of a speedball that as humanely possible. You decide who is who. How's that? ;-) Fuck. I am drunk and wishing I was watching this Bonnaroo performance with you Boiler Rat because you would be shitting your pants as much as I am. Man alive, the pull this taper grabbed is fucking outstanding. I gotta get a copy of this to BradM even if he doesnt like Radiohead.
  17. Gary Taylor was amazing on that Fuse recording featuring Kevin Breit and The Creaking Tree String Quartet (or whatever they are called). I dont know if CBC aired his best moments but he nailed that fucking gig. Bouche, I loved telling him that at your wedding reception. One of my favorite Canadian drummers has always been the dude from Days Of You (I dont believe he was the original) that had that Toronto Maple Leafs tatoo on his right (?) shoulder. Sorry that I cant help you out very much.
  18. Happy bday buddy. Thanks for all the laughs you have given me on this board.
  19. This is why we dont need Pink Floyd to reunite: TimmyB is back! Anyways, here is a great Radiohead download. Kinda very shakey at times (3 cam source?) but I dare you to tell me Thom isnt having a fucking blast! And the bass mix is fantastic on some songs. http://www.dimeadozen.org//torrents-details.php?id=158623&page=0#startcomments If you dont have an account, hit refresh for 10 minutes or so. You will get one.
  20. Knowing what he knows Dima, jerks off to pictures of Larry Craig. The next time you felch me buddy I am going to ensure you get some blood in that batch.
  21. I gotta say, William nailed mine right good.
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