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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Well, that was easy and an even easier decision as to who I am going to go with. Thanks.
  2. Do they offer RDS as part of their package in Ottawa? Please research this for me and let me know. I want to make the HD jump in the fall but I dont know how I can do that if I have to give up every Habs game being aired on good ole RDS. Thanks in advance. Signed, Lazy Fuck
  3. Here's Spector's take on the subject:
  4. Oh, come on. This is ridiculous. You mean to tell me he has sat on this information for over 30 years and it is just coming out now????? Obviously, boxing rewires your brain if he is going to believe this shit.
  5. Provided you can get me one here at work! I'ld love to meet Bettman. He sure would have a story to tell. I think he has been better for the game than people give him credit. For example: The only cities that came into the fold under Bettman's watch are Minnesota, Nashville, Columbus and Atlanta. Florida and Anaheim came in for the 1993 season but I believe they came about during the John Ziegler era.
  6. I certainly wont disagree with that point but what are the NHL to do? I asked Kev earlier regarding network television and I still havent seen a response from anyone. If ya'll do come up with something, please email Bettman et al immediately. We are talking about trying to gain new fans because the money coming in now is already showing signs of trouble. Its a long-term look and that bubble is going to burst. The NHL knows they need to find ways to get more revenue because they wont be able to cut it at this rate. More revenue = greater salary cap and without a means to generate the kind of cash we are looking at, its possible that teams are going to be worse off than they were prior to the strike. Nice inside info. I would have loooooooved to have been a fly on the wall for that dinner! Anyways, I am not trying to rile anyone here. Its just that I see a potential disaster. How many of you realize that major publications (like the LA Times) in the US pulled their reporters from going on the road with their NHL teams? What kind of reporting can they do? How much interest are those articles going to garner and where are the new fans going to come from? Hopefully all that changed as the season wore on but I certainly didnt hear any feel-good stories. The league as we know it will not be able to sustain itself on ticket sales.
  7. ::watches Kev miss the point::
  8. "Obligated" means advertising dollars and a MUCH larger audience (400% more) and there was ample warning that the game was switching over to Versus. Bettman and the NHL never hid the fact that this could happen. I find it amusing that the loudest voices in all of this seem to be coming from Canada.
  9. I cant wait to read about you getting pummelled by a female Sens fan.
  10. Umm, holier would be the wrong choice of words.
  11. We can already witness Swiss Cheese making his impact. That is FRIDAY July 13th. (DaveO is going to love some of the stories that I send him)
  12. The Heidi Game was 40 years ago and Americans still talk about it. Think they will be talking about this past Saturday after next weekend? Hardly. Like you said, its all Bettmans fault.
  13. Ok, so Kev, you would rather not see the NHL on one of the big four's networks. What do you propose?
  14. That was the deal they went with 2 years ago because NOBODY gives a shit about hockey in the US. It was up to NBC if they wanted to continue to show it. The NHL went with a broader channel that would reach a much larger audience but got screwed at a critical time. There isnt much you have to barter with when your product isnt wanted. I thought it was a great game. Alfie is the MVP so far these playoffs. Easily.
  15. How was NBC's decision to bump the over-time Bettmans fault? This was purely a financial decision from the NBC executives viewpoint.
  16. Are you here to save the day?
  17. Stretch pants. We just watched it and I thought Jan was a total all-star but the ending with Ryan had me rolling around on the carpet in laughter.
  18. Happy bday and get drunk on booze cake.
  19. Thanks you bunch of Fucktwats!
  20. I'm assuming they should be renamed the Toronto SC. And I am fucking drunk.
  21. Booche

    any ideas...

    Krusty Bread and D'oh Hahahahahaha
  22. That's awful, I am so sorry Geo.
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