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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Booche


    I dreamed about killing you again last night and it felt all right to me. Dying on the banks of Embarcadero skies I sat and watched you bleed.
  2. You can smell right through my intentions. Golf claps to you my friend.
  3. Obviously after last night this is the hot topic so here are a couple of eye-opening articles. Sportsnet Hockey Buzz 1 Hockey Buzz 2
  4. Certainly one of the best of that era. What a good time.
  5. BR, I didnt mean to be taken so literally. I guess, in a way, I am glad I was!
  6. You arent here my lovely William. The smell of stress is permeating nasal passageways from Gatineau to Merrickville.
  7. The pressure is on and everyone is going to blame Muckler, asking for his head. You can feel it in the air here in Ottawa. Nerves are rattled. No one is confident. Everyone *knows* what is coming.
  8. keep_dem_wooks_in_line.com
  9. I figured it out. Murray is getting you all prepared for your upcoming disappointment. That is why he has been so quotable this week. Its a simple case of subliminal advertising.
  10. Does it matter Mr Photogeek? I think not.
  11. I really want Deeps to answer this one.
  12. Enough is enough. There is no ‘scene’ unless you count being a stinky wook and doing enough drugs to trick yourself into assuming you have reached some sort of state of enlightenment as a scene.
  13. Booche

    What is Jazz?

    I wonder what Yogi would think of Slowcoaster jazz.
  14. Slowing dancing 80's style with New Rider has been a goal of mine for years.........
  15. Make sure it is a weekend helmet bitch.
  16. I dont have alot of free weekends in April but I am intrigued as fucking all hell.
  17. That would be a sweet gig The Rev and Jaimoe. I love Bullmoose. Those young fucks know how to rock. Superstack is a good call too but obviously neither band is from the area. Both those bands rock hard and I am scared to think what they must sound like (LOUD) in a bar. Fuck.
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