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Everything posted by Booche

  1. Yes, the future does look much brighter.
  2. Fuck you Barrett. That uptight bitch Ollie cant come on here slinging my name into this shit when you were the most recent one to say that you dont think he has what it takes to be a footy supporter. Go back a page for proof. As for what Ollie likes?
  3. Good work Basher. Now. Go forth and get me deals on stuff I dont need.
  4. What is your point about the 1995 draft? 4 goalies went after Ryan and the Habs obviously didnt feel that they needed one since the 2 drafts before and after the 95 draft saw them take a keeper in the final rounds. That leaves 17 players to select from, 8 of which never made any stench of a mark on the NHL. Ryan was a good looking prospect that never panned out. The year he was drafted, he posted some pretty damn fine looking numbers for the Tri-City Americans. Regular Season GP - 70 G - 50 A - 60 PIM - 207 Playoffs GP - 17 G - 12 A - 15 PIM - 36 You are making it seem like that year was a 'cant-miss' draft that only fooled the Habs. How did Teemu Riihijarvi work out for the Sharks? Or Brad Church for Washington?
  5. Booche

    The Slip?

    Now, I want to be Willy.
  6. Huh? That makes no sense. Maybe 5 players that year...............AND, what do you mean by "successful" ? I count 8 players that did shit. There are a few that had decent showings and a few more that were "successful" but the picture you paint aint too rosy. The draft is a crap-shoot that depends on your scouting system more than anything else. The GM is the face of the organization when it comes to making the selection, that is all. Regarding that 1998 pick, Eric Chouinard may have went first but they grabbed Michael Ryder with their second last pick. As for the first round picks of the last 4 years, we wont know anything for a few years.
  7. Booche

    The Slip?

    I'ld like to add a thanks to the promoters as well and also a thanks to myself for not being Willy.
  8. While a touch over-produced at times I think overall its great and I dig the Stella Blue. It's far better than his last release which may have framed my opinion of this one.
  9. Or, he was away from the internets there tough guy. Its so good to know that we have someone working for the Liberal party that is able to see passed their own shoes. Thanks for everything you do Hux. You make our country better.
  10. I was under the assumption he was drafted as a project.
  11. That's right Ollie, its "Aint no time to hate especially if you are OJ Simpson and its been well documented that you're a sociopath."
  12. His balls fell about 25 years ago.
  13. As much as SK's commentary involving the Leafs drove me to rage, Low Roller just one-upped him with that nonsense.
  14. Dont listen to Willy when it comes to music. You'll get all fucked up via the hypocrisy. Loooooooooooove yoooooooooooooou Willy..........
  15. It's been a fun few days of Bday celebrations and I cant imagine it much better with anyone else. It's been a blast singing with you for these past few months. You make us drunk boys sound much better. Thanks for getting the born and finally sharing your gift!
  16. My question was essentially rhetorical.
  17. Perfect. I am a essentially what people like to call a "soundboard snob" Dumbasses.
  18. By the way Rev, THANK YOU FOR THESE MULE DOWNLOADS! I cant wait to listen to it.
  19. Some excellent points from the Rev that I aint none to quick to try and debate regarding the Mule employing 'southern rock'. Based on the limited knowledge of the Truckers that I have, Gov't Mule has it more than they do but what do I know? I hate labels. Southern rock? That means so many different things to so many different people. Is Frogwings a southern rock band?
  20. Sorry for missing that Rev. I was skimming. Actually I wasnt even skimming. I read nothing.
  21. I heard parts of their latest album at Bouches place and really enjoyed what I was listening to. The first impression gave me a much stronger compilation than their prior release. It makes sense if you think about it. The new members have had time to assimilate. Lets not forget. Matt Abts is in that band. He's worth a ticket in my eyes. That is one pounding motherfucker. EDIT TO ADD: Thanks for all that Truckers talk over the years New Rider. You ended up selling me on them. A Blessing And A Curse is fantastic.
  22. Purple? NhlFutures.com has the Habs system as the number 6th ranked one in the league. 6. Montreal Canadiens Strengths: The Canadiens are particularly deep up front and between the pipes, with standout prospects in both areas. Guillaume Latendresse headlines a deep and offensively gifted group of forward talent, cracking the NHL roster at the tender age of 19 and may be the power forward for which the Habs have been searching for years. Between the pipes, junior-aged Carey Price headlines a rich crop of netminders, including Yann Danis and Jaroslav Halak, both of whom have enjoyed notable success in the AHL. Overall depth at all positions is the hallmark of this organization. Weaknesses: The Habs are thinnest on the blue line, but have started to address that deficiency with the recent drafting of David Fischer, Mathieu Carle, and Cameron Cepek. In addition, while the club is deep in speedy, offensively gifted forwards, they lack a solid foundation of players with size and grit. Top Five Prospects: Guillaume Latendresse (RW), Andrei Kostitsyn (RW), Carey Price (G), Kyle Chipchura ©, Yann Danis (G) Key Graduates: Alex Perezhogin (RW), Tomas Plekanec ©
  23. Booche

    Toilet Humor

    He's looking for something new to replace what he has expelled or whatever he plans to expell. Come on. Pay attention!
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