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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I am actually thinking of going to Burlington now.
  2. This is in contention for the best set of music I have ever seen in Ottawa. Mind=blown. They are playing Toronto tomorrow night. I swear to you. Dont miss it. Chello-violin/saw with a bow/effects pedals (yes, as a separate intsrument ala Johnny Greenwood from Radiohead)-2 drums-bass-piano/rhodes Gorgeous-singing females. Dont expect to understand the lyrics, its not like you need to. Under Byen 09/10/06: The Horseshoe, Toronto, CANADA
  3. Ooooooooooh maaaaaaaaaaan. I hate to do what I am about to do but I am drunk as fuck so who gives a shit. I have to request a cover ya dink, assuming you are going to do a couple. These kids aint never heard it and I dont know if you even remember how to play the song BUT if you please, can you give Ottawa a Fast Enough For You? It's blowjob worthy when you nail it. I dont mind chapped lips. Oh yeah, heavy on the new tunes please.
  4. One more note for those of you that might go to the MTL show. Do not buy their live cd. It's not nearly indicative of the experience I had tonight and feels like it was released for all the wrong reasons.
  5. They did the same thing tonight but with a different band and different instruments. Fuckme. I am a puddle right now.
  6. New.favorite.band. I dont know how to put anything into words right now but I walked in sober and they sent us home tripping. The four-part harmonies were exquisite. Opening up with an accapella number accompanied by a single guitar the band proceeded to take complete control over the crowd of a hundred or so people. They would be in a devastating cacophony of sound and drop EVERYTHING on a dime and sing these beautiful accapella parts. Daaaaaaaaaaamn. They are in Montreal tomorrow night. GO! Thanks DaveO. The band washed away all my sins at that church!
  7. If there was an opening for an Angry Fairy at my work place I would highly recommend Freeker for the job. Ding.
  8. Booche

    Top this Dinghy

    I'm getting horny.
  9. Ian Mendes: With the Sens and Leafs playing back-to-back games to kick-off the season, there is plenty of material to write about. But thanks to the good folks at Rogers Sportsnet, I would like to bring up a point that was hammered home during our Hockeycentral Preview Show. In a poll on our website, 73 per cent of you voted that the Ottawa Senators could not win the Stanley Cup with Daniel Alfredsson as their captain. That is truly an overwhelming number, especially when you consider that more than 15,000 people cast their vote. But here's what I would like to know: Why is Alfredsson the easy target of critics - and yet Mats Sundin seemingly escapes with nobody questioning his ability in the clutch? I'm not here to argue Alfredsson vs. Sundin - because we've explored that topic to death. I believe they are truly both world-class players and I would take either of them on my team in a heartbeat. My question is more along the lines of why does it only seem like Alfredsson is criticized when it comes to his playoff performance? I know your initial answer will be that it's because Sundin shows up in the clutch - whereas Alfredsson does not. But take a look at their career playoff stats and they are remarkably similar: Sundin has played 77 playoff games with the Maple Leafs and has scored 32 goals. Daniel Alfredsson has appeared in 79 playoff games with the Ottawa Senators and has tallied 29 goals. Basically, these guys have played the same number of playoff games with their respective teams and they can only be separated by three goals. That doesn't seem like a massive discrepancy to me. Okay, next you're going to tell me that I'm on crack-cocaine, because the Senators have a terrible record in the playoffs with Alfredsson leading the charge. But in the past five seasons, here are the team's records in the playoffs: Leafs with Mats Sundin: 32 wins, 31 losses Sens with Daniel Alfredsson: 28 wins, 29 losses Essentially, they have identical playoff records in recent history. Each captain has basically taken their team to a .500 record in the playoffs. Yet one captain is vilified by the media for having no heart and the other one just needs better linemates. Just an observation from my part, but it seems we spend so much time slagging Alfredsson that we forget that maybe he's not so different than the guy down the road.
  10. Booche

    The Office

    Everytime you saw Jim's monitor is exactly what my screen looks like when am playing Day Of Defeat. I'm tellin' ya. Log on to STEAM tonight around 11pm if you want to see for yourself.
  11. If I were you Dinghy, I wouldnt bet him BUT you can bet me if you want. I am willing to be that the Leafs have a better record.
  12. Brad, you need help. Seriously.
  13. Booche

    The Office

    I never thought someone could pull of the Garreth character better than had been done but hot-damn if Dwight Shrute isnt one of the funniest things going on the tv. Dwight Shrute: Let me describe the perfect date: I take her out to a nice dinner. She looks amazing. Some guy tries to hit on her... now he wants to fight- so I grab him- I throw him into the jukebox! Then the other ninja’s got a knife, he comes at me, we grapple, I turn his knife on him. Blood on the dance floor. She’s scared now. I take her home. I’m holding her in my arms. I reach in for a kiss... I hear something in the leaves, I flip her around, she gets a poison arrow right in her back. She was in on it the whole time... but I knew.
  14. Booche

    Top this Dinghy

    That bone was in your mouth before it was in Ollies hand!
  15. Booche

    The Office

    BD.........do it. Much like yourself, Douglas and I are big fans of the BBC series. This one was watched through very skeptical eyes at first but we are now massive fans of it. Like I said, the first couple of episodes in the series are directly lifted from the BBC version. Its not surprising since Rickey Gervais is a co-producer on this one.
  16. Booche

    The Office

    Who has been watching the American version? If not, get on it. The first couple of episodes last season were clones but this series has taken off. I cant get enough of it.
  17. We are not stupid country.
  18. Near the end of one song (cant remember which one right now), Weirdness's point from the other day is clearly driven home. By the way, thanks a ton Blane. You boys rock!
  19. If that is a true story, I have always doubted it was Trey unless it happened after the last show.
  20. Booche

    Top this Dinghy

  21. I've already learned that Zero dont BT. I can tell you this regarding 'cookie-cutter setlists'. I certainly dont download every Slip show that I see nowadays but I am grabbing this Blane-Jahdawg matrix.
  22. Umm, public knowledge number 1: Chris Kuroda
  23. I'll tell you what is wrong with that MarcO: "I need hlep. I am drunk as a ciocksucker. " -- Booche at 2:35am on a Thursday
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