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Everything posted by Booche

  1. I aint turning on nothing. 0-16 boys. You can do it!
  2. I love reading Dinghy whining about players that are no longer here. Where's fucking Bochenski? He'ld be a top scorer on this team right now. Right buddy?
  3. Booche

    STL - NYM

    I dont think I can talk about this.
  4. Unless it has to do with the Liberal scandal, of course. D'OH! That wasnt very fair of me!
  5. I put together a trade proposal for Spezza in my Keeper League but the dude that owns him isnt stupid and is showing patience. Not that I am calling you stupid KK.............
  6. Booche

    The Office

    Love me love me say that you love me fool me fool me go on and fool me love me love me pretend that you love me leave me leave me just say that you need me
  7. Booche

    STL - NYM

    Anyone else watching this game? I still cant get over that double play.
  8. Getting booed off the ice. That's fucking rich.
  9. I hope your foot feels better.
  10. Los Lobos is opening????? Taj Mahal? Holy shit.
  11. Fuck you all. Its Delgado and Green until the Mets lose.
  12. Fair enough. With the fiscal typhone shit that is about to hit everyone, I surely hope a majority actually wins and I hope to vote along those lines.
  13. I really hope I get to meet you at one of these shows Birdy. Those dudes in the Politics Forum are arseholes.
  14. MarcO should win no matter what. The rest of you are sorry bastards.
  15. If people want to be average then they are doing a disservice to their fellow countryman. Just look at the mess the US is in. While the rest of the world braced for GWB to be re-elected, knowing full well the ramifications, the populace still went out and did it.
  16. I certainly am not a politico or even close to one but I was able to follow this story and realize how blown out of proportion it was.
  17. Badams, we have always distanced ourselves from losers but I applaud your open heart.
  18. Personally, I love the idea of debt reduction and it should be higher on most everyone's agenda (but I shouldnt be speaking for everyone) but having a mixture of socially conscious programs while getting rid of debt is equally as important. Realistically, the economy should be on everyones mind if you are following what is happening in the States and our rising dollar.
  19. I think I have seen enough from the current Gov't to know which direction they prefer to go.
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