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Posts posted by Basher

  1. I saw this announced yesterday. I'm still not sure I'm willing to travel at all to see this, but the fact that they announced screenings beyond the "exclusive one week engagement" gives me hope that this will show in Toronto at some point.

  2. We have scratched a few more off the list.

    We watched The Rise of Fantasy Sports, which was really quite good. I could have done without the zany graphics and re-enactments, but the story itself was quite interesting. Plus, I got to learn where the term "rotisserie" came from as it related to fantasy sports.

    We also watched Run Ricky Run, which was pretty disappointing. Yes, Ricky Williams is a freak, and yes, he really really really likes weed, but the story just wasn't as compelling as some of the other ones.

  3. I've definitely been digging the 30 for 30 series.

    Still have yet to see King's Ransom (Gretzky), the AI one, I think Run Ricky Run is on the DVR, the Hank Gathers one or the roto one.

    Winning Time: Reggie Miller vs. The New York Knicks was just incredible. Hearing the players talk about what it was like to be in the trenches back then was great - especially hearing from Ewing, who never had a good relationship with the media.


    It'll be interesting to see the Terry Fox documentary directed by Steve Nash.

    Hell, they're all good.

  4. YATS, I have sold a few used cars here in the city.

    Auto Trader every time. Totally worth the nominal fee.

    Here's another tip, that I had great success with - advertise the price as the price you want to get - i.e. don't build "negotiation" room into it.

    You will get lots of calls (leads) about the car (assuming your price is reasonable), because your price will be lower than all the people that are setting the price above what they actually want.

    You will have to set up an afternoon or two for people to come and look at it. When someone offers you a price (assuming below the asking price) you can tell them that someone asked you to hold the car and they are willing to pay the full asking price.

    Both times I did this I got MORE than the advertised price, not the other way around.


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