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Everything posted by c-towns

  1. where's my private message tree troll?
  2. I thought the last person to answer gets to start the next topic, learn the rules hippies..
  3. Maybe I should be banned from this game, my vast musical knowledge seems to be way above you commoners.
  4. I just gave the answers to finish this thread you lazy hippies
  5. Recipe from a Small Planet? Moyo Combo? Jerry, Jerry? One Step Beyond? Is this game to tough when you can't google an answer?
  6. I heard this sold out, a friend of mine has two extra lawns, if anyone is interested pm me.
  7. hmmm, I didn't know you drove...
  8. I've got no date to the dance...
  9. The hard drive got ram'd in
  10. I did do that to no avail paisley, good news though, I got back home, hooked it up with plans of system restore and low and behold, I'm back in business with no system restore. wierdness, but I'll take it.
  11. I don't get it. You're to old anyway.
  12. Chatham's own, "Square Root of Margaret" are playing the Horseshoe tonight if anyone is looking to be entertained in the city tonight. http://www.myspace.com/squarerootofmargaret DO IT!!
  13. I don't think so, I won't lose any files over that will I?
  14. Thanks. Anyone want to invest in me?
  15. not wirelessly. Called Rogers and had router reset, no luck. Windows seems to give up before it even tries to assign a new address, hence the possible corrupt windows files?
  16. c-towns

    NHL Draft

    Boedker, Mikkel has been looking good in the memorial cup this year. Is Tavares not eligible?
  17. Can anyone recommend a gooder? Something with high yield in a short(ish) period that I couldn't touch for a pre-determined amount of time? ING direct? I've heard good things, any suggestions or comments?
  18. He can damage his own pretty easy.
  19. So I'm on Rogers Internet in Choronto. I disconnected from the internet for about two weeks to take my computer elsewhere and when I returned I couldn't connect to the internet. Low or no Connectivity. I went through the basics, disconnect/reconnect, different cables, even tried a usb connection instead of network cable, reset the modem, called rogers to go through the set-up again and they said the modem is working and rebooted the modem software. I finally decided to take it in to a repair guy (who I wasn't to confident about) and he proceeded to do everything that I already went through. He also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the NIC (which i think is the network adapter?) and putting in a completely different NIC, neither of which worked. He also tried to hook me up wirelessly to no avail. His diagnosis is that some windows files are corrupt and he can't do anything about it, does this sound correct? Windows seems to be setting my ip address automatically to 169.xxx.xxx.xxx everytime which doesn't seem compatible to my modem. Can I get a hold of Rogers and ask them for a specific ip address to sign on manually (for the time being) because I'd like to get this fixed. Help?
  20. Pens in 7 and I will be in Detroit to see it!!
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