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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. I still dont get why that fat dude never has a shirt on.

    I've tried to watch the show on a few different occasions but i just cant get into it at all, I like stupid shit as much as the next TPB fan but i just dont laugh at their show at all, it actually kinda makes me sad.

  2. chatham aside, you get to stand out on your own. here's to c-towns for interestings posts, a good sense of humour & the trippiest avatar!

    [color:"purple"] I dont need your pitty, I've come to accept my worthlessness on and off the computer

    I do think I would take 1st place in last posts posted on threads per ratio of total posts, any math wiz's wanna try and find out just how much of a loser i am?

    whats an avatar?

  3. the chatham death squad (notably the yet to be mentioned babsy mudcock, his beautiful wife-to-be & the one & only instagator): your give'r is matched only by that of us k-w folk. you people are pure FUN! and i really like how well you seem to mesh with our k-town crew. all of you i've met so far have proved to be super fun, super funny, polite, hospitable, and just great people to be around! so glad to have met you all!


    I like the fact that I'm on here so much and no one really knows who i am....heres to going incognito for July CTMF.

  4. Wheres all the canadian hockey fans? The flames are goin to the fuckin cup man.

    Greatest quote last night while drinking in the streets with 20,000 people aside from "show us yer tits"

    "man, this smells like a dead concert, B.O. and pot."

  5. Go Flames Go..........

    the ratio was extremly close tonight for those keeping track, eleven boobies to eight ass cheeks....

    classic and gold..... twelve thumbs up.....

    canadian stanley cup contending towns rock..........


    one more shout out to the tower of power.

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