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Posts posted by c-towns

  1. and c-towns, yes, mark wilson announced at the recent diesel dog show at pepperjack's that there will indeed be a canada day CTMF. how awesome is that?!?!?!?!

    Woohoo, looks like I know what I'm doin on the 1st and 2nd of July, too bad i gotta go to a wedding for the 3rd, so do I get to not sleep in your tent princess....


  2. Anyway, I guess the point is that you can either educate yourself and be willing to spend a little more money and time on the things that matter to you in life,

    I found that line rather funny, considering the kind of thread this is.

  3. Almost any new band you go and see, your gonna be like "they sound like so and so and so and so combined", I know i do anyway. I just think listing the bands influences would spark the interest of the average joe reading a poster along the street. Just a thought, any bands or bands promoters have any imput?

  4. Thanks Princess, excellent comments.

    I get what your saying when you said "sounds like so and so" and the disappointment tha may ensue, but what about listing the bands influences just so the "newbie" if you will, has an idea of what to expect. I've seen many descriptions of bands that are just like, what the hell is that supposed to mean or many bands that all put the same basic description making it hard to distinguish what if any is the difference between these bands.

    Anyway, thanks again foer your comments and keep em coming folks.


  5. Well, I had the pleasure of experiencing Threat from Outer Space at a private show last night here in Calgary, not really private but there was 6 people there. Everytime I see this band they are getting better and better, really digging when the two horns are working at the same time.

    Anyways, my question(s) is this.

    What are the most effective ways to draw crowds to shows and what are the best ways to spread the word about these bands to people that aren't familiar with them?

    I've been putting up posters recently for a lot of bands here in Calgary and I must say, the posters aren't that great, they really don't seem to get the message across as to what the band is about.

    Would it be wise to put references on the posters, like as to who the band kinda sounds like or is infuenced by that is a bit more recognized?

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