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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. I love hockey with all my heart. I really do. And I have alot of love for all the Canadian teams. But I am really, very disappointed with some of the pathetic antics displayed by Mike Ribeiro and Alex Kovalev. Faking an injury is pretty sad. Even if he was hurt, there was no need to prance around the way he did.

    And Kovalev? To give up on the puck at his own blueline in the 2nd overtime, crash into his teammate, and THEN blame Souray for the collision and giving up the puck leading to the losing goal? That's selfishness.

    I'm sorry... the Canadiens do not deserve to make the 2nd round and I will be happy when they are eliminated. I am a Canucks fan, but I can respect the Flames (alot). I am a Leafs fan, and I can respect the Sens (a bit). But I can't respect the Habs after what I've seen in this series...

    Just my 2 cents! Opinions?

  2. "Do you think," a colleague once asked Freud, "that a man's self-image is dependent on the size of his penis?"

    "It is quite the opposite," said the great shrink. "The size of his penis depends on his self-image."

    I'm not sure what that means, but I have checked and the CN Tower is 553 metres high, the Peace Tower just 92 metres.

    LOL, that's some good shit. This battle is getting pretty heated. If Ottawa wins, their city is going to go nuts and parade around like they're the cream of the crop. If they lose, they'll never be respected again. It's a defining moment not just for the Sens, but for the city of Ottawa.

    One thing for sure, Domi is going to come out ON FIRE in Game #1. He's a heckuva nice guy and sure won't take too kindly to the stupidity from that radio host.

  3. The only other way for the Leafs to dominate the Sens would be if they dressed in leather and chains, but that would've been pointless 'cause the Sens were already the Leafs' bitches....

    :: LOL! NOw that's some funny shit.

    Yes indeed, I did remark that Chris Neil is a wimp. I'm not saying I want to meet him in a dark alley, but he looked like a frustrated little crybaby throughout the third period on Saturday. This is going to be a great series, but really, truly... Chris Neil is a young, inexperienced little priss and the Sens can never take out experienced North American-born vets like Domi, Leetch and Roberts.

    Let's face it, if the Sens lose this series... they'll never reach their previous regular-season heights again, and they'll never be respected again.

    Go Leafs Go

  4. Well, certainly the Sens won't bend over in the series like they did on Saturday night. I think Lalime is going to be everything in this one. If he's still hurting or if he reaggravates his knee injury, the Sens will be hitting the links in 2 short weeks from now. If he returns and plays well, it'll be interesting. Can't wait for Tucker's return circa game 5 or 6. That'll be great!

    Man, some of Ottawa's players are just such girly losers! Chris Neil looks like a pouty 9 year-old boy and Daniel Alfredsson is such a metrosexual.

    Leafers in 5, clinch the series at home and Yonge street fills with revelry. Once again the Sens hang their heads in shame, for a bunch of Eurowimps shall never defeat the heart and soul of the likes of Gary Roberts and Brian Leetch.

    Go Leafs Go!

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