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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. hey hey y'all, what is up?

    I have officially arrived in Toronto and am currently chilling out in my new Cabbagetown brownstone super-expensive apartment-thingy.

    This is one hell of a country and I recommend everyone drive from Vancouver to Toronto at some point in their lives. Wow, the prairies are beautiful.

    So I guess I have two questions:

    1.) Where do I go to see great shows, buy a bass amp, and/or get a job at a music store?

    2.) WHO WANTS TO JAM!?



  2. Wow, what an interesting question. 7 years ago today would be August 1995?

    That was a VERY trippy time for me. Aug. 95 was my last month living at home with my Dad and Stepmom before moving away to the "big" city of Victoria. I was working in a crappy restaurant on Salt Spring Island and most likely hating every minute of my life.

    I was also making trips to Victoria (which terrified me - it was so big back then!) to find a place and ended up renting the crappiest shitehole basement suite which I immediately got evicted from.

    Months later I was to start trying acid and listening to Phish...


  3. I'm with MarcO - it couldn't be any other way. A whole night of mindblowing new stuff comprising elements of all they've learned.

    And then an unreal YEM encore with jamming like the world has never seen!

  4. I work in the world of web design/graphics/search engines too.

    I use Macromedia Dreamweaver every day and I have this amazing plugin for filler text to use in a web template. It's called "Insert Corporate MumboJumbo" - you just tell it how many characters you want and you get the following. Here's 500 characters worth:

    Through a top-down, proactive approach we can remain customer focused and goal-directed, innovate and be an inside-out organization which facilitates sticky web-readiness transforming turnkey eyeballs to brand 24/365 paradigms with benchmark turnkey channels implementing viral e-services and dot-com action-items while we take that action item off-line and raise a red flag and remember touch base as you think about the red tape outside of the box and seize B2B e-tailers.

  5. I just want to say that everyone here is cool. We were faced with a situation that aggravated people's fears and passions, and we managed to work through it without anyone attacking anyone else, freaking out, killing people, etc.

    That wouldn't happen on blackmetalbands.ca.

    Kudos to us!

    [color:blue] [smile] special K [smile]

  6. Instead of raging at the poster - why not consider what you're feeling?

    That's the problem with today's kids! Everybody just wants to smoke pot and feel good all the time. What about your pain and grief? What if you lived thru a war? What if you were at this airshow?

  7. For the rest of my life, I will never, ever, ever, EVER attend an airshow. I feel lucky to have survived the ones I went to as a kid!

    That is one hell of a lame tragedy. Looked alot like a warzone on the tarmac there. Except this time there was kids there too.

    Why is it that I can watch Saving Private Ryan and not feel grossed out, but something like this make me want to puke?

    Ugh. [Frown]

  8. Thank you soooo much to everyone for being so kind and sharing all your opinions about the big city.

    Big thanx especially to Sarah and Jaimoe. You guys are cool. I think you're right Jaimoe - most of the people who slag TO and call it cold either just moved there from a small town, or just passed through. I know you can find warmth in any place. I've already met an amazing woman who rented me a place over the Internet and is now offering me computer work. I can already tell it's a good place.

    Thank you all! As soon as I am in town, I'll make a post here on the Sanc and we'll hang out. I'll try to bring along some BC export. [big Grin]

    rock & roll


  9. I disagree Fink.

    The Stanley Cup cannot be won by money alone, and don't let Detroit convince you that it can. They may have had a zillion dollars but they truly won the cup with heart.

    That is what hockey's all about. Heart and soul. And Canadian teams, players and fans have more heart for hockey than anyone else in the world.

    If you saw the Canucks play in the latter half of the 01/02 season, then you'd believe in their chances. Trust me, this is going to be a big year.

    The Western Conference is either Vancouver, San Jose, Detroit or Colorado, and nobody in the east will challenge any of these teams for the Cup.

    That's my opinion anyways! GO CANUCKS.

  10. My favorite Simpsons episodes are:

    • The crazy psychedelic one where Homer eats the magic hot pepper

    • ANY Halloween episode - they are just so bizarre

    • Homer's Barbershop Quartet - because i love barbershop.

    Lisa is my favorite character. She has just got to be a Libra.

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