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Posts posted by PhishyK

  1. hehehe... I'm the Fatbasstard [big Grin]

    Yo yo Booche, I'll be hittin the 'Smoke on September 1st and soon after will be cruising to Ottawa to chill with the j4m cr3w. My girlfriend's sister lives in Ottawa and is having a wedding in early October. I'll be there with candles lit.

    How long of a drive is it from TO to OT?

    p.s. go canucks

  2. Cyber: perhaps I should bring a case or two of BC beer out to you all. It's the best in the world. Along with the ganja...

    Shit man, I gotta drop this BC pride thing or I'm gonna get my arse kicked.

    Jason: funny! complaining is the way I deal with the heat too! I'm sure we'll get along great [smile]

  3. aww jeez caroline, hearing you say that you miss the island just makes my heart groan! i'm really going to miss this place too. but hey, gotta climb out of the womb eventually. i really hope we can hang out and puff a nug out there. we'll have a couch for you [smile]

    mad love

    special k

  4. heyhey Bradm.

    I haven't posted any music yet. The trouble is, you can NEVER hear the bass on live recordings from Chameleon last year! The curse of the bassist. We cart the heaviest amps in the universe, but you can't ever hear us in a live mix.

    Well, at least we can be felt on the dancefloors of the nation.

    I have an mpeg of us playing somewhere on my comp, maybe I'll post that. Or do you think I should record a couple short solo clips of my playing?

  5. heya Chili,

    This may sound strange to you, but your sister in Victoria, BC told me I should get a hold of you someday. (I didn't expect to find you on this message board, however!)

    I'm a bass player moving to Toronto. If you know of anyone who might need a funkybassman, please have them hit my web site: www.fatbass.ca



    p.s. I will be at the Sept. 18th show at the Comfort Zone - look forward to checking you guys out.

  6. Personally, I hate the feeling of a shirt that's just a little too tight. Or pants that don't quite fit right.

    Mostly though, the feeling I hate is BEING TREATED LIKE POO which doesn't really happen too often around here in paradise (but sometimes)

    My favorite ice cream, by FAR - always has been, always will be, is....

    [color:green]CHOCOLATE CHIP MINT!!!!!

  7. hey, thanks alot guys...

    I really appreciate your feedback on the site. I worked hard on it and I am quite proud. My approach to design is as simple as possible. Too much technical blahblah and too many graphics take away from the true content.

    Alot like music actually [smile]

    Ms. Hux: I'm hoping to market my site locally in Toronto once I have arrived. I guess I will put up posters, make up business cards with the URL on them, and distribute the info to studios and producers as well, if I can muster up the guts and connections to do so.

    Thanks alot for your feedback! If anyone else wants to look and give me their critiques, please do so. (especially you designers out there)




  8. hi everyone,

    Well I am getting more and more psyched for my big move to the big Toronto. Working on getting a place before I get to town, even!

    So I finished my new promotional web site for my music. Please have a look!


    The email address isn't active yet though... but all else is set up. I would like anyone's feedback about the site, like it, hate it? I made it myself, 100% and I am quite proud.

    How's things in Toronto anways?

    hi earthfreak [smile]


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