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Pablo Sanchez

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Everything posted by Pablo Sanchez

  1. Adam, Actually all I could hear was the monitors (not my amps) thats ok, although it was pretty loud on stage. I've had such a great time playing the last couple of nights. I'm looking forward to Ottawa tomorrow. I'll be going on first at 10pm (for real)
  2. I'm hitting the road now. I just have to pick up my gear. Really looking forward to tonight!!!
  3. Brad, did you tape this show? If so is there a copy out there?
  4. The party in rockport is actually where B to the E to the E to the R was born.
  5. You're right Corey, that should have read neor.
  6. So stupid that I rarely follow the rules. You should also have a period at the end of the name. nero. I really hate the look of NERO on posters or Nero. Something about a capital "N" bothers me. And boochie... we started nero before I'd ever heard of moe.
  7. Ah yes... being told by Mr. Seals that we had to play on the floor was nice. Seemed like he was a real ass. After all you'd have to be an ass to use Jerry's headshot as yuor poster and use his name to draw people to your shlocky show.
  8. stripper lesbians w/ one armed harmonica man was definitely a career highlight. seriously... moe.down/moe run, the soon run although it didn't fit the mold for a career highlight really was the ultimate for me. We managed to capture the band on tape (multitracked no less) at what was a high point for the band. The best part is that it that we managed to do it and forget we were doing it. It was total rock n roll and we didn't ruin it by worrying about the recording. Thats the stuff rock movies are made of. I don't remember anything highlight like about any evolve festival unless your talking blooper type highlights. Jay was born cute and cudley. no questions, no magic. lower case all the way. how stupid is that?!?
  9. I'm really looking forward to this run of shows. I just finished a new tune last night and I think its my best yet. Gotta love touring in the hatchback.
  10. Shameless Bump! Looking forward to the show on Saturday with King Sunshine!
  11. update: She left 4 empty bottles of Heineken on the front lawn. weirdo. dima: boxerbriefs
  12. We always lock our doors at night, but I missed one door last night. That will teach me
  13. I think Bouche is selling a special cream that can help you with that.
  14. Love it!! Love it Love it! Beats, poo on you. This is exactly the kind of stuff this board needs. This is fun, it has character and its unique. Looking forward to more.
  15. I told her to get out of my house before I call the police... I was honestly were schocked that this was happening and I had also been sleeping 5 minutes earlier.
  16. So last night at about 3:30am Lara woke me up and said that there was someone in the house. I jumped out of bed headed down the stairs and yelled out hello half expecting to hear nothing... thinking perhaps the dog was causing this, only to be responded to by an obviously intoxicated woman who was "looking for Dave". I had never seen this person in my life and I was obviously shaken at this point. I told her that I was Dave and asked her what the hell she was doing in my house. She responded that I wasn't Dave and continued to ask where Dave was. Before we moved in there was some shady character living in our house and I assume it must have been him she was looking for. Anyways... she was not happy.. obviously this Dave had done her wrong...but WTF woman, you just walk into someone's house at 3:30 in the morning loaded and asking questions... Like I have no fucking idea where Dave is... please get out of my house!! Anyways... it was actually quite frightning. I guess its a good wake up call (literally) to make sure the doors are locked. This is also on a very very quiet little street in a nice part of westboro, so I would have never expected something like this to happen. Lock your doors!
  17. Actually Basher I would love to play Toronto. It may very well happen on october 20th with jsb but it also may not.
  18. Hey Everyone, I thought I'd let everyone know that I'll be doing a few solo shows in the coming weeks. I'm really looking forward to them and hopefully I'll see some of you out at the shows. Cheers! Saturday September 30th -Ottawa @ Maverick's opening for King Sunshine - 1hr set at 9:30pm Wednesday October 18th -Hamilton @ Pepperjack's opening for The Jimmy Swift Band -1hr set Thursday October 19th - Guelph @ Vinyl opening for The Jimmy Swift Band - 1hr set Saturday October 21st - Ottawa @ Babylon opening for The Jimmy Swift Band - 1hr set
  19. When will monkeyman have his say?
  20. looking at the pictures, I forget the sad sad state of my cold mud soaked squished feet all weekend. I like this one:
  21. Great shots for sure, also great review. That shot of Rob is great, also I know there's a few other moe shots that are killer hopefully you can get some up on your myspace.
  22. I'm hoping to make it out to this tonight. Should be good times.
  23. I've got to say, that its heart warming to see so much interest in seeing us play again. I am really looking forward to it. We are going to make sure this will be a very special weekend.
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