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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. Here's a picture from last year's festival. Looks like a nice time. :thumbup:
  2. Excalim is ok. I never really had a problem with it. I don't read it all the time though. These days I read NOW magazine for reviews of restaurants I'll never go to. It's like food porn for me.
  3. Everybody who isn't a dirty stupid wook knows that the 1980's produced some great music and some great bands. Good on ya!
  4. if that was the case, wouldn't you be hearing two Roger Waters vocals during all those songs, like the TV viewers in Portugal? Which wasn't pretty, believe me. If you are singing along with a tape of yourself, but the audience cannot hear you singing along, just the tape, that constitutes lip-synching as far as I'm concerned. I believe it is a common practice in the live music business, unfortunately. It was just shocking to hear Waters relying so heavily on it, especially since there was no real reason for him to tour, or perform songs he can't sing live anymore, other than he wanted to.
  5. Live 8 really rekindled a latent love for Pink Floyd for me. I had obsessed on them during a period in high school and really got deeply into them. Around that time last year, I joined a few PF message boards, just to see what was going on in that community. There's a lot of pimple-faced virgins with no senses of humour into PF out there, I can tell you that! But I digress..... it was a unique way to watch the developments of Gilmour's tour earlier this year, and then Waters' tour, which started in Europe in June, and not without an immediate controversy: The first night was a festival gig at the Rock in Rio festival (inexplicably now held in Portugal), which was broadcast on local television (the first set only actually), which of course was captured and up on the web within hours of its' broadcast. Almost immediately, the question was "what was up with Roger's vocals on Have a Cigar?". While those at the show came online and said that Roger *nailed* it, voice sounded great, the broadcast showed a different story: you could heear *two* Roger Waters vocals simultaneously, and out-of-synch: one a full bodied, stirring vocal - the other a hoarse whisper/shout. Then there was "The Gunner's Dream" (since dropped from the set). The broadcast clearly shows an example of Roger missing his cue, his mouth sealed shut, away from the mic, as his voice booms out over the PA. I saw these examples myself on "youtube", although I can't seen to find them today. What was going on here? The mystery of the Portugal Have a Cigar debacle soon became clearer: while the audience only heard the vocals (taped) coming through the PA, the TV engineers had forgotten to turn off Waters' mic feed, so viewers heard both Waters' live vocals and the taped PA vocals at the same time. As the tour progressed through Europe, those obsessive Floyd-heads began to compare vocal tracks from night to night, even going to the trouble of entering professional studios to isolate Waters' vocals from night to night for comparison. You could line up the vocals on some songs from Lisbon, Rome, Malta and London and play them simultaneously: they were exact matches. Not a phrase, a consonant, a note difference between them. That is virtually impossible for a human being to do, and if it could be done, it certainly could not be done by someone with as limited a vocal depth as Roger Waters. Whereas other parts of the show had naturally differing vocal lines. By the time the tour hit the US in September, it had been established that Waters was using a lip-synch track on the following songs (or parts thereof): Sheep -- Full Song Have a Cigar -- Full Song Time -- Full Song (except the parts not sung by Rog) Fletcher Memorial Home -- Full Song, except for the "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome. . . " spoken word section Bring the Boys Back Home -- full song Shine On -- Half of the vocals -- the portions in bold are synched It should be noted that there is a small precedent at play here. In 1999/2000 Waters toured, performing a solo track called "Every Strangers Eyes". On that tour, he lip-synched to the bridge part of the song ("From where I stand, upon this hill....") and while that wasn't too thrilling as it became discovered at the time, it was at least only four lines from one song. The reaction this time around has been much different, and has caused quite a bit of controversy among Floyd geeks. Which I guess, I am one now.
  6. I like zero a lot more than kung, though.
  7. That you do, Luke. Thank you for being a fresh gust of wind blowing through a dusty old saloon. I really missed your contributions to this board when you were absent. I hope you don't push some of these nice and well-intentioned people too far, but having said that I sympathize with much of what you are saying.
  8. that's awesome Steph! I love it! I wish I wasn't so stupid, I can't seem to get a nice clean shot like everyone else.
  9. I see. I was responding to your take on Waters' vocals being in "tip-top shape". I meant that Waters' "live" vocals on Have a Cigar, Sheep, his parts on Time, most of Fletcher Memorial Home, Bring The Boys Back Home and the choruses of Shine on You Crazy Diamond ("you were caught in the crossfire...." & "well you wore out your welcome.....") are all pre-recorded. He merely lip-synchs them in concert, and has done for every show since this current tour started in June in Europe. The voices from DSOTM are all considered part of the piece itself.
  10. Agreed. I went through the Catholic paces of Confirmation, etc. because I thought it was the normal course of life. Later, when Jesus went the way of Santa Claus for me, I realized I did have options. Nothing gets me more upset than someone saying something contentious like, oh I dunno, "Gays are sinners that will have a special place in Hell". I ask them how they arrived at such a thoughtful and sensitive conclusion, and the best I hear is "that's the way I was raised!". For me, being an adult isn't about your age, it's about finally trying to make some sense of all those mesasges you received as a child (especially from your family) and rejecting those that wither in the scrutiny, and upholding those that you can stand by. "That's the way I was raised, therefore that's what I think" is just another way of saying "I think what my Mom and Dad tell me to think."
  11. Yes, those pre-recorded vocal tapes he's lip-synching to (at least some of the time) always sound great.
  12. well, it was kung, not zero, that wrote the letter. Who's Luke?
  13. Post of the year? Seriously, aspiring to be an "artistic journalist" is about as endearing as signing up to be the Town Pervert, so more power to you, brother! This is gonna be a tough ride indeed. What I want to see more of, though, is less analysis and more art. Resist the trend towards being like the musician that just cannot shut up about being a musician. Perhaps a mere "journalist" - with assignment in hand - will be fascinated by his or her own process, the guts and the glory. The "artistic journalist" will be too caught up in it all to be able to formalize the experience until well after the fact. Is that prosaic or what? I like you. Do you like me?
  14. hey check out Waters' son....... Roger raised a wook!
  15. Neil's completely fried in this one. "The most expensive cocaine I never bought." - Robbie Robertson
  16. MarcO

    upgrade news

    hey Mike - while you're tweaking the upgrades, I just wanted to point out that the option for choosing "All" on a multi-page thread seems to have disappeared. That was useful. thanks for everything you do my man!
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