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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. I would have taken a stiff over the drunken yahoo in front of me. Please, if you're drunk, fat and obnoxious (and your name isn't Marc Olszewski) and don't seem to get out much, please don't jump and down, turn around in circles, knock into pretty girls, crowd other people's space while simultaneously yelling at your idiot friends about how "fucking smashed" you are, occasionally noticing there's a band onstage so you can yell "well, don't just stand there - SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!".

    Anymore of that and I would have had to have Laurie beat him up for me. ::

  2. I'm glad you two found each other. You're both nuts, and a heart needs a home, so spread the love boys.

    Seriously though, what a night of world-class musicianship right here in the Hammer! Victor Wooten is jaw-droppingly amazing, a real talent. The band played for about 2hrs 45min, one long set + encore, which was fine with me - not everything has to be two sets. The bar was packed, real chatty at times, inappopriately so during some of the feature soloist sections I found but what can you expect from a Hamilton bar? It seemed the crowd was pre-disposed to "party-time" (I wonder why?!?) rather than politely applauding through a show, no problems on my end. And I was home by 1am! Honestly, mid-week shows should always end earlier than the weekenders, it feels great to have gone out last night and not be wiped today!

    Lots of Sanctuarian representation last night, but I wanted to especially shout out to MuleMomma (hello Karen, always a treat to see your smiling face!), Sheikyerbouti (twice in a week, wow!) and of course Mike and Sharon, I love when you come to Hamilton. Now please get back here to play sometime, that would be great!

    A fantastic night. Nice job, Brian Carson, I hope all went smoothly and Earth Day Hamilton appreciates all your efforts to put some real fun into fundraising! ::

  3. Really, what is the difference these days between the Middle East and the US? Both are engaged in terrorist actions (one is overt, the other covert), both have prudish attitudes towards sexuality (especially of the female form), both are reeling in civil liberties at an alarming rate and both are aggressing towards each other under some holy mission, except here again the Middle East's approach is explicit and the US's implicit.

    I know I'm generalizing - there are huge differences - but they're really not as far apart as one might think.

  4. It was great to meet you on Saturday night bro, sorry to find out you were under the weather! Didn't know at the time it was your birthday, I hope you had a good one!

    Although, I gotta admit, you seemed really familiar to me, I'm sure we've crossed paths before at some point. Or I could just be a lunatic.

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