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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. No, no... that was just a typo: I meant, we'll have pre-show juice and muffins at, um, the Brass Rail Tavern, which is apparently a whole-food fair-trade vegan co-op run by unattractive men. Or so I've been told. Only one way to find out.

    That should be ok, no? [Roll Eyes]

    (I don't know why I would type HOOTERS.... must be the heat.... that place is for perverts and slugs, although I hear the curly fries + cheese sauce is delicious! someone told me that... guess I'll never know for myself....)

  2. Living: James Taylor

    Not-Living: Sandy Denny (ex-Fairport Convention)

    James Taylor fucking kills me. "Mud Slide Slim and The Blue Horizon" (1972) is a desert-island disc for me. His voice could bring world peace if everyone would just pay attention....

    As for Sandy Denny, her voice was pure and clear and her handling of melody unparalleled to my ears. Her singing on Fairport Convention albums like "Liege and Lief" and "Unhalfbricking" sends shivers up and down my spine. And her solo stuff, while spottier then her tenure with Fairport, yielded at least one classic rock/folk album: "North Star Grassman and The Raven".

    Nice stuff.

  3. Gotcha. I saw that is the case w/ yours, Sean, but I also saw some profiles where there was nothing listed under that heading, although they had posted very recently.

    Not a concern or anything, I was just wondering. The few that I checked after noticing it, didn't have anything listed.

  4. At the bottom of people's profiles (yeah, I've been checking you people out, you perverts and phreaks! [Wink] ), there's a spot where it sez: "This user was last seen.....". And that's it.

    Is this sponsored by CSIS? Wha' be up w'dat?

  5. Pine Knob is only about 14-16,000. Somewhere in there. I'm thinking Buckeye Lake may be the best bet for this: it's got the roughly the same capacity as Alpine (~40,000) and ample camping. Plus, the Dead had a history of playing there.

    Oh, and there is no way 200,000 people will show up. Wrong. Those East Troy folk are so damed silly!

  6. Well, no-one ever said enjoying fine music would be easy!! I was soaked to the bone!

    Another fine performance from MMW. Really, I would just go see a Billy Martin solo show if he ever booked it. The guy is wicked! I really respect MMW for having their own, totally distinctive sound.

    This show was a a good mix of their intense groove style mixed in with their more avant-garde wanderings. Medeski has added a vintage synthesizer to his keyboard arsenal, which was nuts. I think he's such a fine player: full of soul and yet, "heady". Grounded and yet in flight. Y'know?? It's fun to just watch Medeski and Martin just looking around at their gear, adding a touch of this here, a bit of that there. No doubt, anyone who braved that cold, harsh rain witnessed a world-class jazz trio doing what they do they best: improvising, maintaining their own fully developed musical personalities while contributing to the whole. You can't always dance to it but that's not what it's always for. Some of their music, I feel, demands your full attention and if you give it up, you will be amply rewarded; if you don't, I imagine it's easy to get bored or lost sometimes. It's a real dance.

    As for Bullfrog, well, they were fun. It was my second time seeing them, and it was awfully like the last time I saw them. I think of their music as being like cold soda pop on a hot day: refreshing and enjoyable at the time, but otherwise insubstantial and forgettable. Just a little too agreeable for my liking sometimes, but fun nonetheless and by no means to be avoided.

    In the end, our plans for JukeJoint fell through. We headed back to Hamilton for dry clothes and wet cocktails. 'Twas nice to see you Scottie and Trevor, as always. I'm sure we'll all cross paths again very soon!

    Now, how was the Darien Trey show???

  7. I'll never hear Springsteen's "Glory Days" without remembering the time my buddy Mark and I shroomed our balls off all night, phoning radio stations trying to get them to play it so we could crash.

    Finally heard it about 5.30am.

  8. Yeah, that's a nice memory of a sweet moment. Thank you, Sean.


    Originally posted by Northern Wish:

    ...I will never ever hear Here Comes the Sun without magically being transported back to the new sun, in the new millenium in Big Cypress.

    I was right under a speaker tower and when the song started it made more than a few cry.............

    ahhhhh, Bliss.

    Thanks MarcO


  9. What song(s) do you hear that just take you right back in time and instantly remind you of something? Hearing Extreme's "More Than Words" on the radio just now instantly reminded me of the final dance at high school dances, where it was ALWAYS played. I'll NEVER be able to hear that tune without instantly thinking of those dances (which is not always a pleasant memory, btw).

    I know everyone has musical associations like that, a random link to their past. What is yours?? [Razz]

  10. I will be there and I can't wait! Loved last year's show, really looking forward to any time I can groove to Billy Martin's sweet sweet grooves.


    Thanks for the JukeJoint reminder, Sarah. I enjoyed them last time @ the Casbah, we may have to head over there after the MMW gig. [big Grin]

  11. Just gotta say it loud, say it proud: I for one cannot wait for the return of the Fatties!!

    My understanding is after the CTMF, they will play July 5th at the Casbah, and then continue on with their Tuesday night weekly gigs again! They have lots of new material and apparently Joel may be staying in town this fall (I'm almost certain of that), meaning more gigs!

    Right fuckin' on!! -

  12. Ah yes.... Trey Band. This was my 1st time seeing Trey without Phish and I loved it. Trey really did seem to be having the time of his life, and so he should! His band is FANTASTIC, and it was fascinating to see Trey lead them through their various changes, on the fly. MVP awards go to Grippo, Jennifer Hartswick and Cyro Baptista, all of whom were on fire, and whose stage presence lent greatly to the show. Basically, it was a good-time dance vibe mixed with some SERIOUS jamming. I mean, they opened up with "Night Speaks To a Woman", which I can't stand on the CD; imagine my surprise when I found myself really enjoying it. Imagine our further surprise when 15 minutes later, they were still playing it, and were just getting started! Four songs in the first set? Yes, please!! This was not a show where I walked out saying "oh, but they didn't do this, I wish they had played that", it kind of didn't matter what they were playing in a sense because everything was jammed out to the max, far away from the song structures themselves. Having said that, the "Last Tube" was phenomenal! Just a jamming blow-out with everyone giving their all. I believe it was in this tune that Trey just put his guitar down to indulge in a geeky dance, just digging on the groove. It made everyone feel so good!! Also, kudos to Russ Lawton for laying down such a solid groove for so long; this guy is more than earning his keep in this band.

    The Fox Theatre is beautiful, ornate, plush. A real nice change from the usual bars and arenas I'm generally accustomed to. Wasn't hard to find, although parking took a while (yeah, right, I'm gonna give these two guys $10 to "watch" the vehicle in the free parking lot while we go to the show - yeah, sure [Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes] ). Personally, I thought the sound was good and the lights appropriate to the venue. The only down point to the evening for me, and I know I'm probably in the minority here, was the "Sultans of Swing" encore. IMO, a poor choice. Hey, I just think it's a bland song by a bland band so I wasn't jazzed to hear it, but c'est la vie. Nothing could have taken away from the previous three hours of excellent excellent music for me.

    A great show. Hopefully, I'll see some familiar faces @ the New Deal on Thursday and MMW on Saturday. I like the Toronto SUmmer concert season because it means I get to see more of CyberHippie!! [big Grin]

  13. I'll be there, and I can't wait! Never been to the Fox but I did see an interior photo once and it was very, very beautiful. Plush man, plush!! Should be real sweet.

    Look for Steve (secondtube) flying the flag from the balcony!


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