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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by backbacon:

    I don't know if I should go to Hamilton next Saturday for more bnb or go to london to see tND. Suggestions?k

    well, if you just saw BNB.... and you know BNB is playing in Brantford on the 16th... and the New Deal are apparently bringing the whole "sound+light" shabang for their second London gig in two months... and they're so good...

    ...see you Saturday in London?

    wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0wink.gif" border="0

  2. Such good songs, good guys, good vibes. I wish they would play again. "Doo doo doo doo doooo, doo-ooooo, try a doobie break!, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!". And then, bah-duhn-duhn-duhn-duhn-duhn-duhn, bah-duhn-duhn-duhn-duhn! I mean, it's beautful!

    frown.gif" border="0

  3. quote:

    Originally posted by secondtube:



    Steve and I agree on something musical, that isn't related to Phish.

    A-ma-zing! shocked.gif" border="0

    Will he be on New Deal tour by the end of the year? grin.gif" border="0

  4. I'm of the opinion that this season has been much better than the least few, but last night's episode was the worst I've seen for a long time.

    My favorite TV show these days is "Malcolm In The Middle", which follows The Simpsons here in Hamilton. Great show.

  5. (apologies, I'm not sure if this made it the 1st time as my computer froze for a while)

    Check out what MMW are up to.... I really appreciate these guys, they are constantly attempting, at least, to push musical boundaries and not stay in one bag. Cool stuff.

    MMW (link)

    I also recently read about a seminar John Medeski gave at his alma mater in the Boston area, wherein he made some interesting observations about the jamband scene. I don't have the transcript or anything, so I'm paraphrasing, but he did mention that he hates the term "jamband" because he finds it has become a limiting term, something that makes associations and assumptions that aren't necessarily present. He also noted that when he plays "jamband"-type gigs, the audience is far less attentive and far more impatient than when they do jazz-oriented shows or when they go to Europe. He said the Europeans are far less likely to become impatient when the grooves drop out and they explore atonal harmonies and move into more free spaces. Just thought I'd pass those observations along.


  6. Check out what MMW are up to.... I really appreciate these guys, they are constantly attempting, at least, to push musical boundaries and not stay in one bag. Cool stuff.

    MMW (link)

    I also recently read about a seminar John Medeski gave at his alma mater in the Boston area, wherein he made some interesting observations about the jamband scene. I don't have the transcript or anything, so I'm paraphrasing, but he did mention that he hates the term "jamband" because he finds it has become a limiting term, something that makes associations and assumptions that aren't necessarily present. He also noted that when he plays "jamband"-type gigs, the audience is far less attentive and far more impatient than when they do jazz-oriented shows or when they go to Europe. He said the Europeans are far less likely to become impatient when the grooves drop out and they explore atonal harmonies and move into more free spaces. Just thought I'd pass those observations along.


  7. Alas, nothing terribly close by.... just have to wait for Summer Tour to see if they get closer...

    Link: Vida Blue Spring Tour

    (I do find it strange that The New Deal would be chosen to open these shows, only because it seems weird to put a keyboards/drums/bass jam band in front of a keyboard/drums/bass jam band, eh? Still, I just slobber all over the place at the idea of those fellows hooking up for a jam at some point.)

    A side story that I read once on the New Deal newsgroup: once, when Jamie Shields of tND was still with One Step Beyond, they were playing at Club Metronome in Burlington, VT. Dude is standing at the merch table checking it out when Page sidles up next to him and purchases a One Step CD. The dude gets talking to him, during which Page calls Jamie Shields "one of my favorites", referring to his playing, of course. So, I can only imagine what those two keyboard-heads will get up to on the road together.... I dig Page a lot!

    Jamie Shields is going to have a hell of a Spring: right off the road with Herbie and back on the road with Page! I'd love to talk to Jamie about it and get the skinnies.... Right on!!!!!!! grin.gif" border="0

  8. quote:

    Originally posted by phunkyb:

    Neil Young does it for me everytime!! I thought that was the best part of the night.

    I thought Stills was a little weak at times but other then that the harmonies where great.

    I totally agree about Neil. Every time Neil stepped up to bat, the energy level and quality control skyrocketed. I've gotta go see him if he tours this Summer!

    Honestly, my girlfriend and I thought Stills was frightening. We were shocked.

  9. (this was forwarded to me, and I now offer it to you, my friends!)

    Believe it or not but 8.02pm on February 20, 2002 will be an historic

    moment in time.

    It will not be marked by the chiming of any clocks or the ringing of


    but at that precise time, on that specific date, something will happen

    which has not occurred for 1,001 years and will never happen again.

    As the clock ticks over from 8.01pm on Wednesday, February 20, time


    for sixty seconds only, read in perfect symmetry 2002, 2002, 2002, or

    to be

    more precise - 20:02, 20/02, 2002.

    This historic event will never have the same poignancy as the 11th hour


    the 11th day of the 11th month which marks Armistice Day, but it is an

    event which has only ever happened once before, and is something which


    never be repeated.

    The last occasion that time read in such a symmetrical pattern was long

    before the days of the digital watch and the 24-hour clock - at 10.01am


    January 10, 1001.

    And because the clock only goes up to 23.59, it is something that will

    never happen again.

  10. Any thoughts? I went the first night and was pretty disappointed. Overall, it was pretty lame. I don't accept the idea that it's simply so great to have these guys together on a stage, and that's that. I want quality music played with inspiration and enthusiasm. At least Nash and Young kept up their end of that bargain. Stills and Crosby? Over-rated burnouts cruising on a storied past? Discuss.

    Neil was fucking killer though. I felt sorry for the other guys.

    (And it's not easy for me to write about CSN that way, because I've been a fan since I was in grade school.)

    frown.gif" border="0

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