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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. quote:

    Originally posted by jason sanislo:

    [QB]Why would i go just to see his faggoty skinny ass running around the stage like a fool. [QB]

    Classic one, Jason!!!!-

    I have a good friend who is/has plopped down something like, oh, 20 gazillion dollars for the best ACC and SkyDome seats he can get for the $tones. I love him, but I think he's fucked. He understands.

  2. Hey y'all. I know there are lots of Deadheads here, some who are old enough to have been involved when it was happening, and lots of younger heads who have discovered the magic. Anyway, I recently found Vince Welnick's website (www.vincewelnick.com) where he is pretty active in answering questions and what-not, and I was intrigued/shocked to hear of his post-GD days (daze) from the man himself a few days ago. I simply pass this along b/c I have a feeling there are others like myself who may not have kept up w/ Vinnie and would appreciate the info. It begins in the context of the ongoing debate as to whether Vince should be included in the GD Family Reunion in August (IMO, he should be). Here ya go:


    Well, I'm still willing to play but can't. Cameron was the only one to call back and it was a negatory response. I still don't know why but possibly some of those rumors were true and still affects certain band members. Went on the last tour in '95, having been diagnosed with cancer. I had to wait throught the tour to get the work done, and meanwhile it was trying to spread. Back from the road I got treatment and I'm okay now. But just then, Jerry dies. Then on Pearl Harbour Day, of all days, it was announced that we were breaking up. Yes I took it hard, then I took 57 ten millagram valiums and tried to end it all on the Ratdog bus. This I confess to everyone, and I'll have to live with what i've done. Perhaps this is why I'm where I am today. But seven years have gone by and I think thats long enough to see if I was going to make it or not. Perhaps forgiveness would be in order. If it were not for the love from all of you people I would probably not have played again. I sat for days at the piano and just looked at it. But then "True Blue" came out of me, and then "Golden Days" I felt as if I still had something to give. I guess it took all that depression to bring me this type musical expression. if so, then maybe it was all worth it. I'm only here for you folks, and I hope to see you all and share some better times. Always and forever, Vince

  3. Sappy as it sounds, I don't think I'll ever be able to hear this song, and not have every line, word and phrase hit me hard and just make me pause. And I don't even know why, and frankly I don't care. 5-9-77 baby..... the original Hunter version has an extra verse, but I edited it out so as to express how Jerry handled it (he edited it out too):

    Comes A Time (Hunter/Garcia)

    Comes a time when the blind-man takes your hand, says "Don't you see?

    Gotta make it somehow on the dreams you still believe."

    Don't give it up, you got an empty cup only love can fill,

    only love can fill.

    Been walking all morning went walking all night

    I can`t see much difference between the dark and light

    And I feel the wind And I taste the rain

    Never in my mind to cause so much pain.

    Comes a time when the blind-man takes your hand, says "Don't you see?

    Gotta make it somehow on the the dreams you still believe."

    Don't give it up, you got an empty cup only love can fill,

    only love can fill.

    From day to day just letting it ride.

    You get so far away from how it feels inside.

    You can't let go cause you're afraid to fall,

    But the day may come when you can't feel at all.

    Comes a time when the blind-man takes your hand, says "Don't you see?

    Gotta make it somehow on the dreams you still believe."

    Don't give it up, you got an empty cup only love can fill,

    only love can fill, only love can fill, only love can fill.

  4. I always loved the one where Hawkeye and BJ switch around Winchester's clothes, giving him pants that are too tight, too big, shirts that are too tight etc., making him believe his weight is outta control. After driving him absolutely batty, BJ resolves to take it to the next level: "Next, we make him taller!"

    Watching MASH with my father was a childhood tradition for me. CityTV showed two in a row every night, from 7-8. I would sit and eat Fish Fingers and french fries and watch MASH with my Dad, and then he would drag me up to the race track where I would watch him froth at the mouth, screaming out his picks at a plexi-glass window with hundreds of other tighly wound men. [Eek!][Eek!][Eek!]

    Alas, I digress....

  5. Hey! I just posted that too!!! [Razz]


    Originally posted by bradm:

    Louden Wainwright III also played not so much a cameo, but a rarely-present side character, whose name escapes me. (It was early in the series, when Trapper John was still present.)



  6. Cool. I am: <center><a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://www.bloggerheads.com/mash_quiz/images/mash_hawkeye.jpg" width="205" height="95" border="0" alt="Click here to take the M*A*S*H quiz!' alt='mash_hawkeye.jpg" width="205" height="95" border="0" alt="Click here to take the M*A*S*H quiz!'>

    Also, did you know that the folk-singer Loudon Wainwright III (dad to Rufus) was an occasional character on the early MASH shows?

    I don't about y'all but I think MASH was best when it had Colonel Blake and Trapper John on it. Later, with Winchester and BJ and Colonel Potter, it got a bit sanctimonious. Yes? No?

  7. Just thought I'd point out for those who haven't noticed it, that the Gift From Above we humans call Mark Tonin has announced that BNB will be playing at the next CTMF. Go to his post on the CTMF discussion board to see what I mean.

    BNB. How's that retirement going guys? [Roll Eyes]

  8. I'm busting out this fun thread: what have you been checking out lately?

    For me, I've been getting a great deal of pleasure from:

    Willie Nelson - Red-Headed Stranger

    (melancholy and spooky, it sounds like Willie's sitting right next to you, singin' and pickin')

    Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot (excellent from start to finish; lovely production)

    Phish - 4.2.98 Nassau (Wolfman's>>>>Twist Around>Amazing Jam = HOLY SHIT!)

    Bill Frisell - Nashville (I keep going back to this, a real favorite; highly recommended)

    Joni Mitchell - Night Ride Home (an under-rated late-period Joni album, every song is great)

    and, slipping one in just b/c I've been going back to it again and again:

    The New Deal - 1.18.02 Ottawa (a solid show, full of focus and inspiration; my favorite show among the recent [2002] ND stuff I've heard lately; you Ottawa cats got a good 'un!)

    Now it's your turn! Let the games begin.....

  9. quote:

    Originally posted by KevO:

    [QB]That new Neil Young biography just came out -- called Shakey. (Funny cause in that last "books to read" thread a few weeks ago I was asking if there was a good Neil biography out there yet). Its over 800 pages. I'm skeptical though.. I read an article on it, and the article sketched Neil out as a baffoon! /QB]

    Hey, I've been working my way through "Shakey" for the past couple of weeks. So far, not bad (I'm about a third of the way through). It's laid out so that the writer can introduce key figures and how they enter Neil's life, and although he does make some judgments on these people, it's not particularly problematic. And then Neil has a running commentary throughout the book, commenting on what people have said. It works for me.

    I've read a few books on Neil: "A Dreamer Of Pictures", "Neil and Me", a couple of non-descript bios with titles I forget, and this is probably the best, inasmuch as the writer got access to most of the key players, some before they died. It does shed light on his childhood in Canada, his battles with epilepsy and doesn't seem to get too mired in lurid details of sex and drugs like other rock bios (read "Living With The Dead" by Rock Scully? Yuk!). Right now, I'm at the part where his 1st solo album has bombed and CSN is just forming, with Y yet to be added. Crazy Horse is just being introduced to the story.

    Interesting stuff, definitely a must-read for big-time Neil fans. It's not perfect but it seems to be the most authoritative bio on Neil going right now.

  10. Just thought I'd spread the word that HMV actually has a half-decent sale on right now. 3 CD's for $33. What's good about it is that they actually have a number of interesting "catalog" titles, not just clearance shit. For instance I just picked up:

    Willie Nelson - Red-Headed Stranger (Legacy series reissue)

    Steely Dan - The Royal Scam (remastered version)

    The Byrds - Sweetheart Of The Rodeo (Legacy series reissue)

    I was pretty happy with my catch! Also, I had to put down the Jimmy Smith, Marvin Gaye, Van Morrison, Cecil Taylor and Cannonball Adderly CD's I was going to get before financial sanity sunk in.

    Also, yesterday I nabbed a used copy of the Miles Davis "It's About That Time: Fillmore East March 7, 1970" CD. It's good but it's a fucking racket! Just be warned: it's a tough listen, but rewarding. It's funny to think that after Miles and co. blew that shit out at the audience, The Steve Miller Band and then Neil Young and Crazy Horse came out to do their sets. And then they all did it again that night (back in the days of "early" and "late" shows")!!!

    Ridiculous! [Eek!][Eek!][Eek!]

  11. If you've never experienced a New Deal "Sound+Light" night, they are not to be missed! The Opera House may not be the best venue for all shows, but it's perfect for these shows, with mind-melting visuals and pumpin pumpin grooves. Seriously, if your 1st experience with tND was their small-venue Canadian tour this Winter/Spring, then you're in for a real treat!

    Info at the website: The New Deal Home Page

    The New Deal: Sound+Light v.6

    June 13 & 14, 2002

    The Opera House

    Toronto, ON

  12. Sorry everyone, but this was part of a live radio interview, and those who heard it in it's proper context had no doubts Trey was just joking.

    Phish newsgroups have been buzzing with this "announcement" today but several people have noted that Trey quickly said he was "just joking", and joked with the interviewer about how it was a great way to get people out to the shows this Summer.

    Never trust a prankster!

  13. quote:

    Originally posted by bertha:

    hey canned...thanks for the back up!!

    what radio station u work for?

    yeah gordie may have the hugo boss thing but he really is a nice guy...have any of YOU actually talked to him? met him?

    So he's a nice guy. Great. Good for Gordie. Who gives a crap? Nice or not nice, that has nothing to do with his music or his public image, bith of which are subject to praise AND criticism. You don't have to have met him in order to have an opinion. And if your opinion is so solid, why would you thank people for "back up"? Do you feel attacked or something when people have a differing opinion?


    just remember the big sugar boys play with...black crowes, abb, gov't mule...if these bands we worship see something in gordie to invite him to play with them, then he's worth his weight in gold imho!

    Speak for yourself. I don't worship any of those bands. Not really that interested. Also, Bob Weir played with Hanson once. Do you like Hanson now??


    i think warren, greg and the robinson brothers know a little more about music than the losers that hang out on internet post sites.

    rolleyes.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0 That's rich.


    godamnit ! the negativity here kills me!!

    first i'm a narc...

    Things aren't negative around here. Quite a nice crew, imo. Or at least they weren't negative until May 12, 2002.....

    Stop talking about nitrous. Give us access to your e-mail addy. Then maybe you'll find people aren't suspicious of your motives. But then I thought these things would be obvious.

    Oh, and for the record, I like Big Sugar, and their radio tunes are one of the saving graces on commercial radio these days, imo. And I have no problem with Gordie, or his Hugo Boss suits. But if CyberHippie doesn't like 'em, he's entitled to say so, and it seems to me he laid out his reasons with grace. But that's what I would expect from a real gentleman.

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