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Posts posted by MarcO

  1. Even better, I have heard that the Scofield show would be at the FREE street party at Queen & University (I culled this from our friend Jesse from CanPhish Traders Board).

    Not bad, eh?

    Now, does anybody know about the line-up for the annual Thursday night free concert series at Lafayette Park in Buffalo? In 2000, I saw MMW there; it was great. In 2001, I saw DJ Logic and moe. there. I wonder what's in store for this year?

  2. For those of you in the sunshine zone today, doesn't it feel good? Dogs are smiling, the grass is blazing, and the Iced Cappucinos are flowing.

    When I get home from work today, it's onto the balcony for my pasty-white ass, cold Moosehead in hand, and a Summer Phish show on the stereo. Maybe Deer Creek '99 or '00.

    I hope you can get out and enjoy it, if you can!

  3. The only thing that drives me more crazy than the "it's all good" argument is the one that says only those "with talent" may sit in judgement. How smug.

    I'm sorry to hear that you're going to tone down your opinions, h. I read your original post and it made me smile. Even if I didn't agree with it, it's still just supposed to be fairly light-hearted armchair commentary anyway, isn't it? But some people have this idea that we should equate civility with being non-opinionated. What a shame.

    It's ok to think things suck. It's ok to say so. It sucks to think that everything is good. It's good to be a discriminating listener.

    Just my $.02. No apologies for expressing my opinions.

  4. I thought Phish-heads would appreciate this quote, from the upcoming May/June 2002 issue of Onstage.

    When asked "Phish is officially on an extended hiatus, what does that mean?"

    Here is Trey's response:

    "I'm getting anxious to play with Phish again. We generally intend to play together. But in order for it to work in the way we hope it will-which is to inspire us to be thrilled to play together again and keep it going at a frantic, creative and passionate pace-we had to accept the possibility, when we stopped in October last year, that we may never play again. We really said that to each other. We shook hands and said "All right, have a nice life." I know we all hoped that we would play again, but without saying that it was just a vacation. By saying that you're really separated. We really broke things down, but that was part of the growth process. The way I feel today, I would be amazed if we didn't play again. But we have not said anything to each other to that effect. I actually spent the whole day with those guys today. We kind of hung out in a room doing our own thing. We say, "How's it going" and then we say "see you later". Something inside of me can't wait, and with that being said, I'm really excited about what I'm doing right now, and who knows where things will go?"

  5. For me, the highlights were:

    Barenaked Ladies. I knew it would be worth tuning in just to see these guys host, and they didn't let me down. It was funny that with them being perhaps the biggest stars there (behind Shaggy maybe?), they were the most humble and down to earth. Good for them! "Look at me! I'm drumming on my own mind!" Fucking laughed my ass off. Kudos too on their improv lines going in and out of commercials: "I can't believe/ how many times/ Nelly Furtado/ said "shit" in that song!...."

    Daniel Lanois. He delivered the best speech ever. Instead of a bloated, sappy, embarrassing speech that all the other winners delivered, he just sang a beautiful, beautiful song. Again, good for him! (And he's from my area, which made me proud)

    grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0grin.gif" border="0


    Mike Bullard and Sheila Copps presenting an award. Absolutely fucking awful, embarrassing, self-indulgent claptrap delivered by two mental midgets on a shrimp-tray binge. I wanted to barf. At least they found each other, they deserve each other anyway.

    Nelly Furtado. Make another album, Nelly, before your head totally explodes. And make sure it's better than your last one, otherwise the game is up. Shouldn't be a problem because you're just so scary talented. Thanks, Nelly. Say hi to Elton for me. You fucking twit.

    mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0mad.gif" border="0

  6. ..that, after having adjusted my sig this morning, when I had a look at an older post, my sig had changed to the new one.


    Hardly a big deal, I could care less, I was just surprised and was wondering if anyone had noticed this also.

  7. Hmmmm.... ok. Here then would be question of the day PtII:

    It's Friday. Payday. Tonight, you're going to order a pizza. You can choose three toppings.

    What are they?

    For me:

    1) mushrooms

    2) green olives

    3) feta cheese

    thin crust please.

  8. That's harsh dude. Funny, but harsh.

    Poor Dave. Jamheads just love to beat on him. Hey, say what you will. He's still the farthest left-of-center Major Recording Artist I can think of.

    Hated his last album, but I'm in for the long haul.

    One Sweet Whirled? Phish Phood? Cherry Garcia? Why is one cool and the other not?

  9. (maybe the band can give you a lift...)

    Dude, I hope you make it in! If you do, try to get in touch: 905-521-1544. Our pre-show plans are up in the air for a few hours but we'll probably be at the apartment, or a friends' around the corner; feel free to come by beforehand for some cookies (I know how you love Laurie's magic cookies!) and ale!

    Actually, this goes for any kind folks who are heading into the Hammer tonight. Like I said, we may or may not be at home beforehand, but it's 50/50 so feel free to try us!

    We're planning on heading to Mac around 10pm.

    Trevor, try your message on the New Deal message board. Just follow the link from the main site. It's a yahoo e-groups site.

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