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Everything posted by MarcO

  1. I like Modern Times quite a bit but I don't quite think it lives up to it's reputation. It's good, nothing wrong with it, but it's not quite the masterpiece the media would have you believe it is. I can't keep up with new music like others do, but I will say that Neko Case's "Fox Confessor..." is a brilliant piece of work, and that I think the Raconteurs sound better live than that slightly flat album they released. It's ok but it doesn't move me.
  2. I like the people running crack cocaine, children and smokes across the border in this photo. Things have really changed for a gangsta.
  3. puzzled Bluesfest worker, Spring of 2007: "who the hell is Nero and why are we spending $1.5 million on them????"
  4. All the best Jay. You're beautiful.
  5. fantastic band, with great pop hooks. Not as rock solid as Split Enz (from which they spawned) but nothing to sneer at either. I think they are a million miles away from Phish but that's just me I guess. Charming fellows too, I rcall a particularly amusing "Intimate & Interactive" show they did on Much Music many years back. Sadly, Paul Hester is gone now, having taken his own life in 2005.
  6. I've had that tune in my head all day, unfortunately.
  7. For Sale So, Live Nation is selling Deer Creek Music Center in Noblesville, IN (aka Verizon Wireless Music Center) to the highest bidder, and it's no safe bet it'll be retained as a music venue. The property value around it is just too high to not be developed. I only made the pilgrimage once, in 2000. We saw the Dylan/Phil & Friends show immediately followed by three nights of Phish. It was a beautiful place, we camped right beside the venue. I know the Grateful Dead laid down many a fine performance there over the years. Just thought some of you might be interested. It was always a favorite venue.
  8. MarcO

    I am so sad

    I'm so sorry, Cully.
  9. StoneMtn's a damn TEASE! as far as Trey goes, I do feel for the guy, this is an embarassing situation. He is a real talent. He brought me a lot of great music and good times over the years so I hope he gets it together, he's a beautiful cat. My understanding is that he months ago announced that he'd be taking the first half of 2007 off, except for Langerado. I hope he sticks to that and breaks his cycles.
  10. I hope 2007 goes a lot better for you.
  11. what was this world like before the internet??
  12. http://www.poststar.com/articles/2006/12/15/news/doc4582cf8e32cc1481881595.txt
  13. what's the name of this website again?
  14. MarcO


    Where do you find these mysterious in-and-out burgers? A whorehouse?
  15. I think I'm gonna open up a Taco place right next to a high school. How could that fail?
  16. haha - once upon a time I looked into this; seemed like a good idea. But the Ontario laws regarding street food are so strict and specific that they're basically designed so that nothing else other than pre-cooked sausages are fit for serving. One woman in Toronto tried to run a crepe stand - with some success, until it got shut down thanks to beauracracy. Write your MPP and tell them you want tacos damnit!!
  17. I dunno, I'd rather stay on the side of being honest with myself than fooling myself into thinking that something is better than it was. It's not necessarily a question of being jaded. IMO, if you lower your discriminating tastes, your opinion is devalued accordingly.
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