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Posts posted by paisley

  1. Don't forget about Battlestar Galactica

    someone recommended I check it and did a few weeks back... wow, I then said... is a really great show (truly unbelievable for a remake)

    so... is all this good tv some sort of republican plot to placate the masses? or have we entered a new free thinking creative era... hm

  2. Band of Brothers is definitely one of the coolest things I've seen on tv... hypnotic and terrifying (plus am a sucker for most things WWII related, think B of B beats almost any movie on the topic)

    haven't kept up with Rescue Me, just a show here and there... need to start from the beginning some day

  3. figure I'd mention everyone drives right through Mount Forest on the way (and way back) to and from ghost town from southern ontario

    (have 3 dogs already, puts us at full animal capacity here in the city)

    wishing all the best towards you and your mom... hang in there

  4. as my train didn't come in (actually I think it turned around and went the other way) sadly won't be making an appearance in the desert

    but what a worthy group of representatives headin that way!

    Do Weird Stuff!

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