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Posts posted by Jaimoe

  1. The Music Hall is under new ownership, and will be undergoing renovations after the first two shows. There was a comedy show there last week. It will reopen in December once the renovations are complete.

    My brother is the GM of the venue now - I am checking with him to see if tickets will be available at the door.

    Awesome news! The Danforth wasn't the same with the Music Hall shuttered. Can't wait to catch a show/gig in there again soon.

  2. Hey Basher...might see you there. I'm leaning heavily toward going, but I called the venue today to find out if I could just show up with cash in hand, and there was just a message about how their box office is not set up for tickets, and all tickets must be purchased through Ticketmaster. I see your link also shows Ticketweb, but I just want to go if I get off work at a decent time and feel motivated. As it is, I'll be missing the beginning (which I guess is pretty standard for me anyway). What do you think? Can I pay at the door?

    Hey MM, I recently moved from the neighbourhood where the Music Hall is. It was closed for over a year (since the Arcade Fire gig), but has been booked for sporadic small one-off shows since then. As of two weeks ago, the ticket booth/shop connected to the Hall was not in operation and didn't look to be starting up any time soon. I'd get tickets through the Bastard.

  3. The downtown is safe, although Massey Hall is an area that borders a colourful stretch - but this area is several blocks east of Massey Hall. She'll be fine as it is a heavy pedestrian and tourist area with the Eaton Centre and City Hall along the way. She'll probably enjoy the walk since it goes through the core. The walk won't take longer than 10-15 mintues and she can do some of it in the Eaton Centre.

  4. I'm a terrible judge of crowd numbers... maybe a little over 100 for Rich. Probably about 400 for Chris the night before.

    Solo tours can be a tough beast regarding drumming up attendance. Combined, the Robinsons still drew around the same amount that turned out to see John Entwistle back in 1996 at the Warehouse (Kool Haus). I'll never forget the look on The Ox's face when he walked on stage... and I think it was mutual since nobody was there.

  5. http://www.torontosun.com/2011/10/15/rest-in-peace-earl-mcrae-2

    Pretty shocking. R.I.P.

    It looks like Earl could have met an untimely end in the past given the monster who was after him (from the SUN article):

    "Earl was a bit of an institution -- he caused a lot of commotion," said former heavyweight boxer George Chuvalo. "We had our moments. I chased him down the bloody street somewhere over something he wrote.

    "We started off on the wrong foot, but as often happens in life we ended up friends."

  6. I tried a six-pack of Hop Head IPA made by Tree Brewing Co. from Kelowna B.C. More on par in hoppiness to Mad Tom (and certainly not as strong as Smash Bomb Atomic), but has a smoother aftertaste. I prefer the Mad Tom, but Hop Head is worth checking out (it's in select LCBOs for a limited time).


  7. I think the Steve Moffat is doing an even better job running Who than Russell T. Davies did. Moffat is a fucking great producer and writer (Jeykll, the new BBC Sherlock and now the upcoming Tintin movie). And I agree, Tom Baker was the best.

  8. It's one of the best shows on TV. It only gets better as the seasons roll. The latest Doc, Matt Smith, is also great (and he had huge shoes to fill since David Tennant was the most popular in the series history).

    I can't say I'm loving the US reboot of Torchwood, but the UK version is worth checking out (the US is pretty good, but I'm only 4 episodes in). Torchwood is the Who spinoff currently airing on Space via Starz. It focusses on Captain Jack from Doctor Who.

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