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Everything posted by Jaimoe

  1. I'm surprised they didn't dress Basher, with all of his "we's and us" talk.
  2. It's not the band that did the soundtrack, they are one and the same: The two stars of the film. I've got my Toronto tickets on my fridge.
  3. And the wearing of poppies will continue on because of Afghanistan. Bless all our troops.
  4. For around 5 or 6 years, there wasn't a more feared power-forward. His numbers are slightly lower than Forsberg's even though he's been injured for long periods. Hate him as most of us do, he was a hell of a player when he was healthy.
  5. He made Colorado's legacy by refusing not to play with them. However, he was one hell of a powerhouse when he was healthy and still a fringe Hall Of Famer.
  6. Once is one of the best original soundtracks in decades and is one of the best music-based films I've ever seen.
  7. They are more rooted in punk than 60's rock. That's just one song.
  8. ...Union Carbide Productions (they split-up in the early 90's to reform as one of the kicking-est badass bands around). They sound pretty similar to The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, but maybe a bit less psychedelic. UCP had most of the same personnel as TSOOL, but didn't have Townsend-disciple Mattias Bärjed on guitar. Original TSOOL guitarists Ian Person and Björn Olsson (from Welcome To The Infant Freebase) are in UCP along with some the more sane, relatively thin singer known as Ebbot Lundberg. Here's a video from youtube. It kicks ass. Long Live Rock & Roll!
  9. I loved the game last night, but you'll never see the Nets play that poorly again. Still, I'm loving this Raptors team.
  10. I'm glad to hear this because the NMA and RR haven't been impressing me too much since the Word's debut.
  11. I like TV nowadays more than film. We're in the middle of another Golden Age IMO, thanks in a big part to HBO, Showtime and episodic arch shows on the Big 4 networks.
  12. No doubt Season 5 will be a major challenge for Leary and the other writers. I know the season will have low points since no show I've ever watched can come up with killer episodes for a 20-26 episode season, see: MASH, WKRP, Cheers, Hill Street Blues, Taxi, The Honeymooners, King of the Hill, early Simpsons, Mary Tyler Moore, Seinfeld, Family Guy, All in the Family, Battlestar Galactica etc...
  13. It'll still be on FX and not jumping to one of the BIG 4.
  14. I've enjoyed this season as much as last, even though the intensity has admittedly dropped. If you keep the intensity going all the time would inevitably get predictable too, plus you'd have to kill off some more original characters. I think it's the funniest season so far. Some of the episodes are the funniest bits of comedy I've seen this year including movies.
  15. There's something about Kings of Leon that really bugs me. I used to rave about them, but I can't get into their new stuff. The only thing I like is their initial EP.
  16. It looks like next season's Rescue Me will be 22 episodes, a full season on normal network TV. Of course this could lead to a watering-down of the season, but as long as Denis keeps on writing the majority of the episodes, we fans should have little to worry about. Read all about it: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117975207.html?categoryid=1417&cs=1&p=0
  17. I forgot these two excellent releases: Neon Bible - Arcade Fire The Swell Season (Once Soundtrack)
  18. Jaimoe

    Tax Cuts!

    I find it appalling that Harper is an admirer of Jane Jacobs and yet follows none of her theories regarding healthy cities.
  19. Iky Thump - The White Stripes
  20. I thought there was a free 3 month preview going on with channel 490 or 492 or 493?
  21. It's disturbing that the TSN and CBC brass like Leo more than Jack. I think it has everything to do with Leo's Canuck/NBA roots and his Team Canada affiliation than it is with his overall analysis of the game. Leo's a blabbermouth while Jack takes his job and what he says very seriously. BTW, Leo is my all-time favourite college basketball player, but he is only average as a colour man.
  22. I'm skeptical as hell on this one. The Score doesn't have a track record of distinguising between their fake HD and their real HD. I've also seen a couple of Score Raptors home games last year that were clearly in HD and were clearly poorly converted. What an ass channel. At least The Score should have Jack Armstrong doing the colour. He's the best colour guy in Canada along with Craig Forrest.
  23. And another thing to make you mad: The Score is broadcasting March Madness.
  24. I think you should phone Rogers regarding HD and Centre Ice. I have no idea about the pay channels and their HD availability.
  25. I listen to him only when Jim Rome's guest sucks.
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