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Posts posted by Jaimoe

  1. Here's a few off the top of my head:

    Maggot Brain - Funkadelic

    Free Your Mind and Your Ass Will Follow - Funkadelic

    Diana Moe Hum - Frank Zappa

    Penguins In Bondage - Frank Zappa & The Mothers

    Pink Moon - Nick Drake

    Downtown Train - Tom Waits

    Marquee Moon - Television

    London Calling - The Clash

    Cortez The Killer - Neil Young

    Sympathy - The Stones

    Wharf Rat - The Dead

    Tangled Up In Blue - Dylan

    Pure And Easy - The Who

  2. I fell asleep right after the 5th Element rip-off beginning. I was drowsy through the Spartacus/Gladiator rip-off scenes and could care less about the lifeless robots vs clones war at the end. My main problem with this movie was that it lacked any sense of excitement, wonder and/or magic. The CGI's always looked like CGI's. I didn't care about the one dimensional human characters, but Christopher Lee was good, and by far the most interesting human character in the movie; Yoda and R2D2 were fun. The dialogue was typical Star Wars dialogue, so it didn't bother me too much. I didn't hate this film, but it certainly should not be viewed as a great piece of filmmaking either.

  3. My cousin from Calgary got her drink spiked a few years ago. Fortunately, she got home before she passed out. Equally frightening: recently, a friend of mine got his drink spiked by a gay guy. Fortunately he made it home alone before he passed out for 13 hours on his kitchen floor. This goes to show that straight guys are at risk too.

  4. Hey Booche, I agree to some extent on Forsberg's exceptional play, however, he did take the year off, including and especially the Olympics. Spleen or no spleen, rest is so important in the playoffs, and none of the players and teams is well rested ( other than back-up goalies ). Yzerman is by far the most impressive player to date in these playoffs. After Detroit wins the Cup, Stevie Y will undoubtedly miss a good chunk of next season.

  5. Phil & the boys were great. Nice new song from the new writing team of Haynes/Lesh/Hunter. Everyone I'm working with tonight thought the song and performance was great. I'm looking forward to Phil's deluxe cd edition: it's supposed to be out next Tuesday.

  6. Dave, get rid of the Lawns and buy scalper tickets. You'll be lucky to get an unobstructed view of the stage ( because people will be generally, standing ) - even then, Phil & Friends will look 2 inches tall. You still may be able to buy 200 Level seats through Ticketmaster. And no Dave, I won't be in Kingston this weekend. I have to work until Sunday morning.

  7. Hey Sloth, this last game was the best of a rather boring series ( so far ). I was excited. I would normally comment on Leaf loses ( on this site ), but I don't have a computer - I have computer access at work, 4 of every 8 days. Anyway, there was more intensity and hitting in the 3 periods of last night's game, than there was in the entire 5 periods of Game 3. As both teams start feeling more pressure, I think this series can only get better. The best hockey right now is being played in the Colorado-Sharks series. Too bad no Canadian networks are ( regularly ) carrying the games.

  8. Hey Sloth,

    I'm only stating that the Sens play a numbingly boring brand of hockey. The trap is like watching a counter-punch boxer run for 12 rounds without getting hit. I watched the Sens-Philly series and was bored to tears. The Sens are not the only trap-boring team in the NHL, but they may be the most boring in the Eastern Conference.

  9. Ottawa's game-plan worked to perfection. Not only did they bore the Leafs to a victory, but they bored all the real hockey fans too. I'm not a Leafs fan, but I'd take the Isles-Leafs series over Leafs-Sens any day. At least there was emotion and body-checking in the Isles series.

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