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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. Ancelotti or Hodgson' date=' who's gonna be first shown the door?

    If Hodgson does get the sack, I'd have no problems with him coming to the bridge. I was pleased when Carlos came, but I guess I don't know what kind of manager we need. Still, much respect to Roy.


    Yes, Please take Roy. but you have to take his signings of poulsen and knochesky with him.

    Well, then I also want Joe Cole back. Yossi back to Anfield.

  2. Dear work,

    It is Christmas Eve. I'm supposed to be paid today.

    Where is my money?!!!!!!! You heartless monsters, you've hit a new standard of infamy this time. Really, no money at all, at Christmas???

    You fat f**ks. I hope you get hit by a convoy of trucks. F**k you!


    mister slippery

  3. Arsenal faces Barcelona for the second straight year and they fucking deserve it for finishing second in their group. They should just let Cesc put all his crap into a sack, throw it on the plane and he can just stay in Spain after Arsenal gets hammered.

    +1 to all of that.

    Man, if I was Arsenal, I'd sure be ticked with Cesc. Great when healthy, but it's all about him.

    I'm pleased that Chelsea got Kopenhagen, but jeez, I'd be worried about playing Huddersfield, let alone the Danish champs.


  4. nothing happened yet.

    My bud's not gonna take it without knowing what it is (no, not actually stupid).

    DEM - don't think he's knocked up, and not certain either of your discoveries is it.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    And yes Booche, you are correct. I do realize that eating and drinking are both ways of ingesting something orally, but it's incredibly helpful of you to point it out.


  5. Great game on Saturday.

    As long as it's fun, I dont care too much bout wins and losses right now. The players are for the most part giving their all, it just seems that they're just not all that good.

    Still, make an effort and it's cool with me. Too many more like 5-0 vs Edmonton will not be remotely cool with me.


  6. Hi there,

    a friend of mine was given an herb/root-looking thing to aid in treatment of a sore back. It's called, we think, Zerk (cuz the guy who supplied it speaks 4-5 words of English max). The only info we've found suggested it should NOT be eaten, but made into tea.

    Any info from you fine folks about a product that may or may not be called Zerk?


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