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mister slippery

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Posts posted by mister slippery

  1. Bodom, Opeth, and Motorhead are good additions from last year, but yer right.

    And, if Toronto will be Mtl from last year, I wants more High on Fire, Skeletonwitch, and Airbourne.

    Still, Toronto's good nuff for me, and it'll be Slayer #20 for me. Can hardly miss an anniversary show, can I?

  2. I missed Tripykon. I didnt actually see much as the metal expo. It was cold though. I discovered KLAVARTAK who were brilliant and a terrible band called Avatar. Funny Swedish hair metal.

    Sorry I've been MIA mate. Just swamped.

    Nice, yer alive. Kvelertak do kick some assss, its true. And, a band called Avatar probably would suck, so no shock there.

    Too bad no Triptykon, but no mention of Ghost? Guess you missed em, he said disappointedly?

    You back soon? Pints, if so?


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