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Posts posted by KarinGarage

  1. thanks, everyone! i won't be going anywhere for a while. as of yet, i'm just dreaming about moving.

    Hey steve, how ya been? are you coming up this way anytime soon? I was wondering, why'd you decide not to go to colorado? I've actually never been to colorado myself, but it sounds like the kind of place i'd like to live.

  2. hey schwa, high sierra sounds like a great idea! we can go visit the girls and make the festival! and meggo, i hope you come too!

    chewie, i'm still undecided on what to do saturday night, but if i decide to go to cleveland, would you have room for me in your car or hotel room? do you know how much the tickets are yet?

  3. well, keller williams will here the wednesday before you come over for business, 2/23. i haven't heard of any big shows going on that thursday or friday, but i'm sure there'll be some good local bands playing, if you're interested.

  4. "I am actually in Ann Arbour the following Thursday on business"

    really? we should get together for a beer and a smoke!

    BTW, i think i have one of your coffee cups from the bark! squeek! party in chatham. i found it in my car when i got home.

  5. Hey, just wondering if anyone wants to come over for the moe. show on 2/18, it's a friday. anyone's welcome to crash at my place if they need a place to stay.

    hope to see some of you skanks on this side of the border soon!

  6. super! i love the movie idea. just keep me posted. but we gotta get together before that for sure. maybe we can come over for the weekend or something.

    english, we're down for WSP in detroit and maybe cleveland. but ratdog's playing a show 3 blocks from my house the night of the cleveland show too, so we might go to that instead.

    btw, there's a moe. show on 2/18 in ann arbor if anyone's interested in coming.

  7. hey shain! i think flights get cheaper the closer you get to the departure date, because they'll have more flights scheduled by then. i've heard the best time to buy a ticket is about 4 to 6 weeks before your departure date. i've also heard it's cheaper if you can fly on a tuesday wednesday or thursday because most people have to fly on mondays or fridays.

    good luck, brother!

  8. yeah, i thought it was a great idea too. that's why i told him i'd help spread the news.

    he's also looking for volunteers to help man the booth they set up at the festivals, which i was thinking of doing. he rents a RV to drive down in and pays for your ticket too. sounds pretty sweet!

  9. hey there! hope all is well in the great white north!

    well, i met this guy a while back, at jury duty of all places, that is starting this project called JamCam chronlicles and i thought you all might be interested. it's kinda like a video version of Relix. this guy, tom, goes around to different festivals and tapes all the bands and does interviews with them and puts together a dvd. you can sign up for a years subscription and every month you get a dvd from a different festival. i think it's a really neat idea especially for those that don't get a chance to travel a whole lot and a good opprotunity to see a lot of bands that you might not get to otherwise. and it only ends up being about $10 a dvd.

    the website is www.jamcamdvd.com if you're interested in learning more.

    have a wonderfully awesome day!


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