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Posts posted by KarinGarage

  1. steve, i'm so glad you made the trip! it was great to see ya as always! what did blair and mud have to say about all the drunken dials we made? i'm sure the messages must have been funny to listen to!

    yeah, that border crossing was crazy! i thought we were getting pulled over for sure, the way the customs guy was eyeing us. but, miraculously, he let us go.

    glad to hear you got home safe. hope to see ya soon!

  2. what a great time! big thanks to keri and becki and everyone else who helped put this show on! it was great to meet a lot of you and get to know some of ya better. i can't wait to do it again!

    don't forget, if ya ever feel like coming state side, you're more than welcome!

    hugs and love to all!

    PS. great chili! Yum!!

  3. james and i will be coming up(actually more like east) on friday to get down with you fine ladies and mudcocks before you all head off on your crazy adventures.

    can't wait to see ya'll again and if someone wouldn't mind having a "party pack" waiting for me, i'd really appreciate it.

    Vixon, are you having a pre-party at jeff's first? james and i will probabaly get in around 7 or 8 so maybe we can meet up before the show.

  4. for sure, keri! i'd lvoe to camp with you and all the chatham folks. what time are you planning on gettin there?

    schwa, i can't wait to see ya! it's been a long time since we've partied at a fest together. wish you could be there the whole weekend though.

    can't wait to see the rest of you too! i wish i got more chances to come over and party with all of you. stupid border, always gettin in my way!

  5. I'm so excited! i was supposed to work this weekend, but i shamelessly begged and pleaded and managed to get my shifts covered. woo-hoo!

    i can't wait to see all you lovely canadians again and dance are asses off all night long! i'm leaving the sissy pants at home and suggest y'all do the same :)

    james and i should get there friday evening so i'll see ya then!!

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