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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. im being very honest and sincere in saying bring the Meat to ottawa... im beggin u folks to see this band... ive been trying to see them for just over a year and it never worked out but these guys will definately turn heads... wicked Feels like a stranger opener followed by a killer bluegrassy original... Booche, im lookin at u here... u will love jon on guitar!!

  2. Hey brother... why dont ya post that info about tomorrow nights show again... guess what, im actually gonna make it out to an Electric Meat gig... that is still the name right? so im asuming u'll bring those disc's to the show for me? Lookin forward to tomorrow night!!

  3. Hey thanks Doug... actually i was going to take a show off of u b= p style a while back but i never got my act together so this is perfect.... the Allman Brothers at the Amphitheatre from last year please... 7.9.03 thanks a bunch and will u be posting the list again later in the week?

  4. bullshit? what bullshit? for real? i was seriously ready to kick Heady's ass the minute he stepped onto our campsite... fu©ker took one look at the cooler of ours and almost got knocked the fu©k out~... even made Basher angry which means Stoned Phillips was ready to kick some ass... at least he moved on... and that wa the last i saw of him all weekend... thank god too... im headin back to Dead tour... kinder gentler folk over there...

  5. hey brother... not sure if u r into the downloadin and burnin shows thing but i saw this on bt.etree and I think i remember you speaking really highly of this show...

    Artist My Morning Jacket

    Show My Morning Jacket 2004-05-28 Opera House, Toronto

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    Info hash ceec17e45a108e1db30ac39108a09369f5087083

    db link

    Description My Morning Jacket


    The Opera House

    Toronto, ON



    KM184 (fob) > V3 \

    ----------------------- >EMagic A62 > laptop (Kristal 4x24/44.1)

    soundboard > Duo/



    Cool Edit Pro 2.1 (32 bit mixdown) > Waves L2 (dither) > CDWave > flac

    Disc 1


    01 One Big Holiday

    02 Dancefloors

    03 How Do You Know

    04 Death Is The Easy Way (w/M Ward)

    05 I Will Sing You Songs

    06 chat

    07 Oxen

    08 The Way That He Sings

    09 Lowdown

    10 Strangulation

    11 Master Plan

    12 Bear

    Disc 2


    01 Steam Engine

    02 Run Thru

    03 End Cobra

    04 Golden (w/M Ward)

    05 O Is The One That Is Real

    06 Mahgeeta

    07 Outta My Head (M Ward/Jim)

    08 Flaming Heart (M Ward/MMJ)

    09 Helicopter (M Ward/MMJ)

    *tracks 7-9 fron the M Ward opener where Jim/the band played

    Editing Notes:


    Lost the mics at 2 points due to intermittent power cable

    - repaired w/soundboard clip subjected to reverb and eq

    d1t02 1:06 - 1:43

    d1t08 4:42 - d1t09 4:51

    Known glitches at d1t01 2:17 and d2t02 2:45

    There was another M Ward/MMJ song but we didn't get it.


    Recorded and mastered by David Klein <davidklein@canada.com>


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