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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. i think ur gonna have to ask the Basher man that yourself... im thinkin u may be able to find him here once or twice... Leese is doin great... sh!tty we didnt meet up at Coventry, too much craziness goin on i guess... no go for CTMF though, gotta work... Boogie Band in Toronto maybe?

  2. After 5 excrutiatingly (sp?) long days with moving to Toronto PoG and PoGette are back on the skank... anyone happen to wander into the beaches area feel free to drop by or give us a call... 416 698 7112... feels like ive missed sooo much.. i mean the announcement of Slip dates... Hell ya... whose comin from Ottawa for the Toronto Hamilton run with me?

  3. Right on MikeyD... best of luck with your move and the next year... Im sure earthFreak and the Cowboy will still keep u in line... and hey, u will always be able to hold horseshoes over my head... ur one of only a few that can say that...

  4. I think we are in a bit of the same boat here... my roomate runs a sharing program called soulseek which i think may have originally caused the pop up program... but just since we got back from Coventry ive noticed that we can't click on any links from webpages... when i click a link that someone has put up on here it opens the next page but stays blank and doesnt move... any ideas?

  5. All very valid points once quantified... but my points being why is it so necessary to have to intrude on their personal lives? Are they not human and feel emotion too? Hence them actually showing it during the shows with breaking down crying... If thats the way you want to live your life(ie as a journalist) promoting what you do at the expence of others so be it... but in the end do you really feel good about doing it? and not to mention, would you really want to write for People magazine anyways?

  6. Just out of curiosity why is it important to find a way to trash on these guys after such an emotional weekend? Is it envy? It cant be envy because everyone seems to think that Trey sucks... Why is it so important? I truly cannot believe the amount of crap that has filtered out of peoples mouths since the weekend ended... and from so many people that did not even experience it... Phish played their asses off for us... and for 21 years taboot. Take this crap back to Northernheads where it belongs...

  7. Hey Blane,

    It was really good to see ya there brother... very sorry about the ride out situation as we never even made it through Montreal til after 6... and that was with gettin our car out of the mud around 10 am and onto the runway...

    Good to hear you were able to make other arramgements...

  8. If the playing is tight this is a phat phat show!! plus 25 points on the daily dose so far!!

    by Carini, Tweeter Center, Mansfield, MA (a.k.a. Great Woods), 7:49 PM

    Set 1AC/DC Bag

    Heavy Things

    Punch You in the Eye

    Wolfman's Brother

    Theme From the Bottom

    Birds of a Feather

    Set 2Mike's Song ->

    I am Hydrogen ->

    Weekapaug Groove*

    A Song I Heard the Ocean Sing ->

    Piper ->

    Makisupa Policeman

    Dogfaced Boy

    Notes*Trey tells story about the origin of "Weekapaug Groove" and "A Song I heard the Ocean Sing".

  9. works for me my friend... and ur right about the showtime... im just lookin forward to gettin down there early and havin time to hang out with good people... talk to ya tomorrow... ill be workin 8-4 so u could get me at work at 904 438 8593 or at home after that... have a good flight ...

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