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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. OHHH YAAAA!!! Kimock tomorrow! Been waiting since the Zero days to see Steve, cfannot friggin wait!

    EarthFreak... u know where u are staying after the show or are u headin home? Lemme know... its just me goin in cause Leese has to close Friday and open Saturday... I work til 5 Friday... give me a ring at work tonight if u can... 905 438 8593...

  2. sorry to have the complete opposite opinion of ya here Dancin Bear... this is a pretty well crafted album to say good bye with... we knew all along that they were breaking down the jam on this one and making it more listener friendly... there are some fantastic songs on here that WILL go places if only they had more time to play with them... Undermind is the first one that comes to mind as well... maybe it will grow on u after a few listens or not... the word sucks is a pretty hard word to use on a piece of art if u ask me...

  3. Bob at SPAC would be a great surprise for me too.. still up in the air as i have not heard back from Robbae....

    so if anyone else finds an extra i would be interested... btw.. Stapes if u read this, did u find the extra u were looking for?

  4. I received a promo copy today at work and its the extra DVD with Undermind and is a fantastic little extra. The guys look like they are having alot of fun recording the album and Tchad Blake definately knows how to help create pieces of music. Fun look at the Barn too... Tour starts Thursday :(

  5. so ya couldnt just let that go could ya... first off , it was not directed just at you... hell think of how many time Booche posts on here... and dont think i dont enjoy your posts because i have always seen you as a vibrant part of this community... and sorry but the thirty post a day thing... i just cant do it... all the best for the next month Esau... hopefully it will fly by for u...

  6. wow was that directed at me Greg? must be it wasnt in purple... as I stated earlier I know I wasnt there but when it comes to someone insulting a friend who happened to be the host i find that completely disrespectful... guess only people that are loud on the board or post 30 times a day are aloowed to have an opinion...

    nope no purple necessary as well...

  7. Kung ive gotta say... i appreciate the fact that you did apologize to Tasha... your quote about not being fond of being singled out has me thinkin... you have a way of doing that all on your own... if at first u had of let things be instead of talking shit then there would have been no problem in the first place... you have a knack for using your over the top prose to either talk down to people or make them feel like shit... and Im not even a person uve singled out before... just from what ive seen on here for a few years now... stirring up the pot to get diferent view points is one thing... stirring up the pot to be negative and hurt someone is another...

    just my $0.02

  8. Hey Tasha,

    best of luck with the job, im not thinkin that the oversight of the signature will affect the outcome as long as the qualifications are there... wish we had of seen you in Toronto, it was Peterborough and Toronto for me... lookin forward to gettin that Deer Creek picture off of ya someday too...

    not knowing the situation of what went down but can pretty much pull from it on here , i was wondering if any of the previous posts should have been made in purple?

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