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Posts posted by PassedOutGuy

  1. I remember that craziness Greg... u were tellin me the story as i ask u if it was cool to smoke a joint up front as u answer " man this guy here is cool, we've been puffin down all set" and we lit one of mine up right in front of the security guard... good times... great to have u back Brother Esau!!

  2. Heya Phillips,

    Im actually not sure who i spoke to as I left a message last night and someone called me back at 9 am this morning while i was pretty asleep... the thing is, the reason they gave for not airing it does not correspond with what you said earlier... he claimed that they were never approached at all and that if we really want to see it up here then we should be calling Phish' production company about the possibility of having it... didnt u say they called u guys the day before the announcement?

  3. Wish I could have been there to celebrate with u guys last night... sounds like another fantastic time in Ottawa... something i definately miss... all the best to you Lara and Dave... i'll cheers u guys with the rest of the gang when i see them at Coventry :)

    Bob and Leese

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