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Posts posted by jayr

  1. Don't worry phishtaper' date=' I think we'll get a DVD of this tour. :)


    Indeed. The Stripes hired a documentary crew to film their Canadian tour for a future DVD release.

    Yeah in Toronto while we were visciously trying to chug our beer so we could get to the floor, a short fellow in a bowler hat and suit came up and stood beside us with a fairly large video camera on a big stick and taped a few songs. It was a strange sight indeed.....

  2. For that matter Jay and I are teaching a class on July 16 where kids make there own storytelling floor drums,Jay teaches them rythmn and basic music terms and forms a band with the kids and some of his own bandmates.Also cool.

    You mean Brent is helping me out again! Right on.

    Oh also

    http://www.myspace.com/davidlauzon (in case you dont already know) &


  3. I know all you hippies are in to conservation and all that, but you do know you can't re-use calendars, right? You need a new one every year.

    Well, my calendar is a Bob Marley calendar so maybe they were all toked up when they printed it.........

  4. My only complant would be that there is apparently no where within view of the stage that a person with a pit ticket may stand and drink their $11 beer.....

    I thought about that too' date=' but you should enjoy The White Stripes from 20 feet away without beer.[/quote']

    Thats what we did eventually. I had no idea you couldnt bring drinks to the front and when you pay that much for a beer its kinda hard just to ditch. Its no biggie though, definetly didnt ruin what turned out to be a killer show.

  5. Awesome show. Absolutely loved it. Full on energy from the moment they hit the stage. My ears are still ringing!! My only complant would be that there is apparently no where within view of the stage that a person with a pit ticket may stand and drink their $11 beer.....

  6. It was a fun show, but the overall tone was slightly tedious. A bit more from the all too awesome Elephant would have made it a bit sweeter, as would a more elaborate stage set-up.

    Maybe he should have seen them a few years ago. The more new stuff they play, the better as far as I'm concerned....which I'm not. Is it Thursday yet?

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