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Posts posted by jayr

  1. I've known Adam for years (and Dr. Payne for that matter) from Barrie, our old stomping ground. A few years back, Adam GAVE me a beautiful mandolin-body acoustic-electric fretless bass guitar. I was absolutely floored!!! That bass gets so many looks, and recording engineers keep asking I bring it back for sessions. He's a wicked dude, doing wicked work.

    Ummmmmm........pics please!!

  2. It may sound funny but being on Unemployment helps. I started my Guitar teaching business 5 years ago with help from the government. There are great programs you can do, the one I did was 1 year of payments from the government to help you get into it. Basically they pay you a decent wage for a year and anything you make from your business is yours on top of it. Nothing to pay back. Of course this only applys if you are on UI or have been in the last 5 years and are currently unemployed. Sometimes the government is good, sometimes.

  3. I got this from a friend on myspace:

    In the New York Post's Page Six today. I've no clue of its accuracy, but it's pretty funny.



    May 3, 2007 -- KINDERGARTEN kids in ritzy L.A. suburb Calabasas have been coming home to their parents and talking about the "weird man" who keeps coming to their class to sing "scary" songs on his guitar. The "weird" one turns out to be Bob Dylan, whose grandson (Jakob Dylan's son) attends the school. He's been singing to the kindergarten class just for fun, but the kiddies have no idea they're being serenaded by a musical legend - to them, he's just Weird Guitar Guy

  4. For the sake of argument (I'm sober and slightly more rational now) what if you were to replace the words "The Beatles" with the word "Elvis" in this thread?

    Did Elvis even write a song??

    Honestly does anyone know if he did? For some reason I don't think so.

    He did end up with a few writing credits' date=' but I think those were from publishing negotiations and I don't think he actually did any "writing" of the songs.

    I don't really care for the "He didn't write anything" slam on Elvis anyway. The idea of a musician having to write all of his own material to have any credibility is a relatively new phenomenon (late 60s, at any rate) and before that it was pretty much given that songwriting and performance were separate.


    Yeah I agree. It doesn't change the effect Elvis had thats for sure. To my knowledge it wasn't actually until The Beatles that artists had more than 1 or 2 originals on each album, if that.

  5. Operahouse. Nothing like being crammed like a sardine trying to sway back and forth out of sync with a hundred other people in front of you so you can catch 0.3 seconds of stage view every 4.5 seconds. Than when you need a drink...........

    I'm not as bitter as I sound but I am serious.......

  6. Just thought i'd throw this out there. I went last summer and took a 6 week guitar building course on Vancouver Island with Adam Johnson and built and designed my acoustic from scratch (which you can see on the services page). He got his site up and running and i thought I'd share. Take a look at some of the guitars and basses he's done, they're wicked. Oh and Ben Payne (dr. payne and the disease) who is playing this weekend at the march in Toronto had his guitar built by Adam. You'll see it on the site.


    Let me know what you think.

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