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Posts posted by jayr

  1. Meg and Jacks interaction is very interesting and exciting. It's almost dirty to watch. They have a sexual energy between them that gets released through their music in much the same way Zeppelin did.

    i thought they were brother and sister. i take it i'm wrong...?

    That is their stage persona' date=' the refer to themselves as brother and sister. Actually they are ex-husband and wife (Jack has since remarried).


    Must be a weird situation.

    "Okay honey I'm off on tour for the next 8 months travelling the world with my ex-wife. Take care!"


  2. Well I finally got a chance to check this album out. I've spent most of my day by the pool and gave the disc 2 or 3 listens. I think it is quite good. I do admit it seems like 7% more polished than their other records but thats not a bad thing. Cant wait to hear some these of tunes on the 5th!!

  3. Sounds good brother. Its funny I was just about to post a similar thread. I think I'll just include mine here. Maybe everybody who has recordings/videos of their own tunes should share here to? I don't know. Anyways, I finally got some balls up and went out to an open jam last night to play some of my originals. The videos aren't the best quality but heh. Let me know what you think, or don't its up to you.

  4. I was scrambling to find the remote in those last seconds. I thought I had accidentally hit power or something. Now that I think back to it, it was a pretty good ending and I do think he and possibly his whole family were whacked. But who am I.........

  5. While doing some senseless split second research I came upon this which I was previously unaware.

    Fishman and the other members of Phish were admitted psychedelic drug users. He once claimed that for a whole year he would set his alarm clock for 5 AM, ingest liquid LSD, go back to sleep, and at 7:30 the acid would wake him up to go to school. He stated that this was the year in which he got his best grades. He also has claimed that he consumed acid at every single gig during the first two years of the band's history
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