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Davey Boy 2.0

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Everything posted by Davey Boy 2.0

  1. Quagmire (running through mall and accidentally into the camera room): Where am I, am I dead? Security Guard: No, this is where we monitor all the dressing rooms in the mall so we can keep an eye out for shoplifters. (Woman on Monitor has heart attack) Quagmire: Oh my God! That one's having a heart attack! (Runs to womans dressing room.) Quagmire: (Rubs womans chest and breathes in her mouth. Woman becomes conscious.) Woman#2: That was amazing! Woman#3: You saved her life! Woman#4: Thank God you know CPR! Quagmire: What the hell is CPR?
  2. Paris Hilton: More Accountable than the President? (huffington post) So it's finally happening: accountability. At long last, a prominent public figure is being punished for serial reckless behavior and the willful denial of its consequences. Unfortunately, the public figure in question is Paris Hilton, not George W. Bush. The two have more in common than a privileged background and a reputation for dimwitted pronouncements. When called to task for continuing to drive after her license was suspended in an alcohol-related reckless driving case, Paris blamed her handlers: "I just sign what people tell me to sign. I'm a very busy person." When Bush was called to task for invading Iraq under false pretenses, he blamed George Tenet. Those 16 words in his State of the Union speech? He just read what people told him to read. After being spanked by a Los Angeles judge and sentenced to 45 days in jail, Paris "took responsibility" by firing her longtime publicist, Elliot Mintz. After being spanked by the American people in November, Bush "took responsibility" by firing his longtime Pentagonist, Don Rumsfeld. And both remain firmly in the grip of denial. "I don't know what happened," said Paris after being sentenced. "I follow the law." For his part, "Commander Guy" Bush marked the fourth anniversary of his "Mission Accomplished" speech by claiming that the results of the 2006 election gave him a mandate to follow his surge strategy. Hmm ... so when that police officer made Paris sign a document acknowledging that she wasn't supposed to drive, that was a mandate to drive around with a blood-alcohol level of .08 percent and make illegal left turns, right? The good news is that, for better or worse, Paris has always been a trend setter (without her, we never would have had the Kim Kardashian sex tape or Britney flashing her privates in public). Maybe her high-profile punishment will lead to more high-profile accountability. Starting with Alberto Gonzales, who continues to run the Justice Department despite his inability to remember important meetings he attended and orders he gave. "I'm a very busy person." (Quick Quiz: who said "From now on I'm going to pay complete attention to everything," Paris to the judge, or Gonzales to Congress? Answer: Paris. Gonzales vowed: "I am dedicated to correcting both the management missteps and the ensuing public confusion that now surrounds what should have been a benign situation.") Then there is Paul Wolfowitz, who is still refusing to clean out his desk at the World Bank despite being found guilty of a conflict of interest by a World Bank committee -- and despite demonstrating a diligence about his girlfriend's post-World Bank arrangements that he failed to show for America's post-invasion arrangements in Iraq. "I just sign what people tell me to sign." In an interesting development, Steve Clemons reports chatter that Wolfowitz is negotiating an exit deal but is dragging his feet because if he hangs on until June 1, he'll become eligible for an estimated $400,000 bonus. That would actually be more of an accounting moment than an accountability moment. It's not exactly 45 days in Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, California (aka the Slammer Hilton), but given how low the accountability bar has been set by this administration, it would at least qualify as some sort of comeuppance. Paris Hilton drove while drunk, was given every opportunity to correct course, and is now being punished for her recklessness. George Bush, while dry drunk, drove our country into a disastrous war, has been given every opportunity to correct course, but seems determined to keep his foot on the pedal. Will his accountability moment come only after we have careened over the edge of the cliff? And even then will he continue to point the finger at Tenet and the intelligence community, claiming as he plummets: "I don't know what happened. I did what they said."?
  3. quote of the week Michael Owen: "I've worked my nuts off to get here." Sky Sports interviewer: "How are you feeling now?" Owen: "My groin is a bit sore."
  4. did you throw in "late" as an afterthought there mike?
  5. is that Pffftt as in you're taking a hit off of a bigass bomber or Pffftt as in "Come on!"
  6. who's being bitter, rude, idiotic? incidentally i'd love to hear any old jamband cover michael jackson's Man in the Mirror
  7. very disturbing, i hope luke experiences some positive steps soon
  8. thanks man, i won't stay any longer than a couple of weeks
  9. I think this movie is going to ruin the scene, man i'm going to go picket it if someone can remind me of where and when it's playing. and maybe give me a lift to the movie theatre that day. oh yes and can we stop on the way to pick up some snacks? I don't want to have to go buy anything from those corporate whores who are showing the film. i can bring some *cookies* and maybe a six pack and some oilers to get us through what is sure to be a long and difficult night. i'll borrow my roomate's guitar and we can jam in front of the theatre while we enlighten people as to what true jam heads are. oh yes and we'll need a blanket and some incense, if you guys know of anyone with bongo drums tell them they're welcome. maybe i'll make up some burritos too and we can sell em to offset some of the cash we're dropping on supplies
  10. gateux and baj are going to fight behind the portables at recess
  11. well i guess you're not invited to the next 401 meetup then kev
  12. Davey Boy 2.0


    i tried the PC wheat beer o'er the w.e. it was a little bit on the insipid side but overall i liked it- a good summer beer as they say, cloudy and kinda light tasting
  13. Davey Boy 2.0


    SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) - A Brazilian court has ordered local brewer Ambev to pay 100,000 reals (US$49,400; euro36,400) to an alcoholic beer taster who drank about a liter and a half (3.2 pints) of beer each day. The unidentified employee alleged that the company did not provide the health measures needed to keep him from developing alcoholism, a labor court in the Rio Grande do Sul state said in a statement Friday. The employee said in his lawsuit that for more than a decade, he drank between 16 and 25 small glasses of beer during his eight-hour shifts at the company The employee said he also received a bottle of beer after each shift. An initial ruling had favored Ambev, or Companhia de Bebidas das Americas, which can still appeal the decision. The company alleged the employee already was an alcoholic before becoming a beer taster. Judge Jose Felipe Ledur said the company still was negligent because an alcoholic should never have been made a beer taster. Ledur also said the employee's alcohol dependency had worsened in recent years and that even on vacation, the employee felt like drinking the same amount of beer he drank at work.
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