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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. Garlic ginger tea.

    Boil the hell out of chopped up ginger and garlic (lots lots lots). Add a tea bag near the end to subdue the heavy flavour if yee be weak of heart.

    Nuthin can survive the onslaught of ginger and garlic.

    I learned about that method when I was playing in Raggamuffin, it's an old Rasta remedy (or at least the Rasta's know about it and have been using it for a long time)

  2. I want to know how one defines a "Canadian Pop Song"

    maybe I've fallen victim to CanCon disease, but could you really call something like Big Yellow Taxi or The Weight a "Canadian Pop Song"? Where do you draw the line when it's no longer "Canadian"? Or is everything fair game? Born in Canada, raised in the US, work in the US.. is that still Canadian?

    yeah.. I guess I'm just being a pain in the ass.. maybe I should try and get a job with the CRTC eh :)

  3. I hope the time between records has done some good.. recharged the batteries. I've found they've gone downhill steadily since Return of the Space Cowboy. Don't get me wrong, I love the band, and I like all the albums, but the first two were stellar, the rest were just good :)

  4. I just want to add this to the pot of depression.. Ya know.. for everything the Canadian government does right, they go and do something stupid like this:

    Canada's Government Backs Terminator Seeds


    Canada backs terminator seeds

    John Vidal

    Wednesday February 9, 2005

    The Guardian (UK)

    An international moratorium on the use of one of the world's most

    controversial GM food technologies may be broken today if the Canadian

    government gets seed sterilisation backed at a UN meeting.

    Leaked documents seen by the Guardian show that Canada wants all governments

    to accept the testing and commercialisation of "terminator" crop varieties.

    These are genetically engineered to produce only infertile seeds which

    farmers cannot replant.

    Jointly patented by the GM company Monsanto and the US government, the

    technology was condemned in the late 1990s by many African and Asian

    governments who called for a permanent ban.

    Monsanto and other GM companies which were developing similar technologies

    voluntarily pulled out of research after concerns were also raised about the

    "terminator" genes spreading to non-GM crops, and international outrage that

    poor farmers would not be able to use seeds from their crops, as they have

    always done.

    But leaked instructions to Canadian government negotiators at the Bangkok

    meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological

    Advice, a group which advises the UN's Convention on Biological Diversity,

    show that Canada will request today that all countries open their doors to

    the technology.

    The papers, leaked to the environment group ETC, also show that the Canadian

    government will attack an official UN report critical of the potential

    impact of "terminator" seeds on small farmers and indigenous peoples. The report

    recommends that governments prohibit the technology.

    The Canadian government team in Bangkok was last night unavailable for



  5. that Perfection Satisfaction Promise used to the painted potato right? next to the oak?

    that place is good.. though like Govinda's has a interesting relgious affiliation.. except that one is afliated with everyone's favourite guru, Sri Chinmoy

    Personally, my favourite is The Table, and it's a nice 10 minute walk from my house.. sweet!

  6. congrats Tonberry..

    my buddy is one of the DJs on the Monday Night Metal Show.. always good fun.

    Another friend of mine used to have one of the Wednesday night Jazz shows (all the jazz shows used to be on Wednesday night) and he got me in once to do a whole show on the history of funk.

    If you want to talk about setting something like that up or I can even give my you notes and playlist let me know eh.

    and as for a show title.. I liked "Where's My Heady Jams?" or maybe even just "Where's My Heady Jam?"

    maybe someone with more monday morning brain prowess can come up with something simpsons related.. I'm thinking either the pot episode or the ribwich episode..

  7. well..I think all your great vibes had an impact. Though I can't quit just yet, I got an email today from a guy I used to work with who is starting up his own shop and wants to get me on board as soon as he can afford me. We are going to talk more details this weekend but it's promising.

    Thanks for the vibes everyone.. you know I've got all your backs if and when the time comes!

    much love and grooviness to you all!

  8. on a slightly different note.. and at risk of hijacking this thread. When I was in Montreal back in December I came across this record called Boogaloo to the Beastie Boys. It's a bunch of jazz guys (and Bernie Worrell, who I wouldn't call a "jazz guy" though he can certainly play jazz) who do jazz covers of beastie tracks.. all instrumental..

    it's very cool.. if you want more info check it out here



  9. this is a great mix.. only one comment in comparison to what DJ Danger Mouse did with The Grey Album.. it would have been cooler I think if the Spinjunkies did what DJ Danger Mouse did and only use the Jay Z vocal tracks and not use any of the other music from the original Black Album and just use GD stuff for the music.. did that make any sense?

    also.. this is funny.. I posted the link on a graphic design board that I frequent. All those guys on that board are "young and cool" if you know what I mean. This was one of the responses my post recieved:

    " ha, that's such a bad idea.

    the only possible people that would listen to it are fratboys."

    man.. some people are so silly :)

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