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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. oh boy.. I bet someone got their ass totally fired over this oversight:

    Microsoft beats Apple, files iPod patents

    Last Updated Wed, 17 Aug 2005 07:57:14 EDT

    CBC News

    There are likely some red faces at Apple Computer.

    Apple took too long to file a patent on part of its blockbuster iPod music players, so Microsoft jumped in and beat Apple to it.

    Tech pundits are snickering at the prospect of Apple having to pay Bill Gates big royalties on the hugely popular iPods, which account for more than a third of Apple's revenue.

    On Tuesday, technology lawyer John Ferrell said Apple still has a lot of options, and this isn't a knockout blow. He said Apple could file a declaration stating it invented the technology before Microsoft filed its patent request.

    The company could also alter the patent claims so they don't overlap Microsoft's. Ferrell estimates it could be at least another six months before it's all sorted out.


  2. This is the problem with having a party this is tied philosphically to either the left or right, you simply cannot address every issue from a pragmatic position, but instead from the moral pinnings of the social conservatives to the right (Hallelujah) or the dogmatic left (the PM is an evil shipping magnate).

    I totally agree, which is why I think the party system actually doesn't work that well. Voting along party lines and stuff just seems to break down the way the system was set up (that being that the MPs are supposed to be the voice of the constituants (sp?)). If the MP is my voice, but the party makes a decision that I don't agree with, but the MP has to vote on party lines, well.. is that MP really my voice?

    now that I've said that though.. I think we should continue this discussion over beer.. because I could see it going on long into the night and boring a lot of people if we keep it on the board :)

  3. I guess you can attribute the leave of the moderate conservatives with the Liberal party taking more of a center stance politically as well.

    what happend to the good ol days of the PCs being on the right (but not too far right), the Liberals being on the left (but not too far left), the NDP existing of the hippies and unions and the Rhino party being the big joke :)

  4. what the conservative party needs is a leader from Ontario or Quebec though. These conservative leaders for the West seem to freak out a lot of the moderate (or old school PC) conservatives in the East.

    Once the party elects someone like John Tory as their leader then we'll be in real trouble.

  5. I bet your co-worker overhead Me and My Uncle - that one gets 'em every time. I call it the newbimaker.

    I can't remember which one it was..

    I know for me the song that did it was Bertha.. I love that song.. I wish the jammed on it more.. I want a 45 minute Bertha :)

  6. Cool! I think Erik is a closet head... look for the copy of Skull and Roses in his CD rack.

    different Erik.. or rather Eric..

    not Erik but Eric..


    not Haggis but Label..

    yeah.. that's it

  7. so.. I was playing today's recommended dead set (82-04-14) and my co-worker Eric comes up to me and says..

    "wow.. that's like great sitting on the patio summertime music"

    and I said

    "yep.. perfect set for today"

    "so.. what is it?"

    "it's the grateful dead"

    "oh yeah.. cool.. I don't really know them.. I mean I've heard some songs.. but I never really listened to them much"

    a bit of a pause as we enjoy the tunes...

    and then he says

    "so.. do you have any mp3s you could send me?"

    so I pointed him to archive.org and showed him the wonders of the freely traded live music.

    I think he's a bit hooked now.. it's a beautiful thing!

  8. I do know Steve and his Wife. They run this site: www.dustyowl.com

    Steve is a commissionaire (sp?) at my wife's building on Laurier.

    He's a good guy. I ran into him at Coventry (I was wearing a Heart and Crown t-shirt and he picked me out of the crowd) before I knew that he worked at Nat's building and before he knew I was Nat's partner.

    I just recently ran into him at BSC and then again at Mavericks that same night. I've told him about this board though I don't know if he has joined yet.

    Speaking of meeting people because of stickers on cars, I was driving down the queensway back during the phish hiatus, well.. stuck in a traffic jam acutally. I had a phish sticker on the back of my car at the time and this couple pulls up next to me and yell across the lane that the hiatus was over and Phish was going to play Madison Square Gardens on NYE. I love how just having a sticker on you car or a logo on your t-shirt can bring people together. Reminds me of BradM's story about taking the bus home from a Dave Matthew's Band show (I think it was Dave Matthew's Band).

    Anyway.. good vibes, and hopefully Steve and his wife (her name is Catherine) will join up on this board soon.

  9. though I wish no ill will towards Bingie, nor would I ever want to see something like that happen to another person (meaning his accident), I have to say that I do not miss him. He was the main reason why I stopped playing with the band. His ego and unprofessionalism was amazing. It's too bad because he was a good singer and really knew how to work the crowd and put on a good show.

    and not only did I miss popo at the end of my time with the band.. I missed Coolridge on drums and Owen on bass.

    Anyway.. it's too bad it had to end like this.. violence is never a good way to end a show, regardless of how much the scene changed over the years.

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