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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. yeah fair enough..

    just to play devils advocate.. and I don't know this Raq band from a whole in the ground.. but what if they were just starting out? A lot of bands start off sounding like their heros but over time develop a unique sound all their own.

    but I know what you are saying and I agree somewhat..

  2. I've got some tickets and might be looking for a ride.. or even someone who may want my second ticket.. it's all very early still.. but I like to plan early.

    Even if I do get a ride and one of my current "yeah that sounds like fun, but I'll have to get back to you" people takes my other ticket it would be cool to hook up an Ottawa caravan down to the gig don't you think?

  3. ya know.. I fear it's going to be a while before people can listen to bands that create music in the same style as phish without making an immediate comparison.

    It's kinda unfair for any band trying to do that kind of thing now cuz everyone is going to be like "they just want to be phish".

    I suppose part of that may be true for some bands but even if it is I think it's ok for bands to sound similar without assuming they are a bunch of rip off artists or unoriginal.

    am I rambling? I think I am..

    I guess ultimately I'm just trying to say that for me it doesn't matter if they sound like carbon copies of another band, if I like the tunes then right on, but it's cool if it's not someone elses bag..

    ok.. I'll shut up now :) thanks for the link

  4. I believe the band in question is The Crowd.

    that would be the one.. though I wouldn't mind hooking up with them jivewires guys.. great band them.

    I'm just finishing up some major renos on my house (14+ months and still going) but once that's done I'm going to seriously look into forming a small 4 or 5 piece band to do funky jam stuff.. kinda new deal meets phish on the way to george clinton's house.. but that's probably not going to happen before the fall.

    Those of you in the westboro/west wellington village/hintonburg area.. come on out on Thursdays for the traditional Irish seisun at Danial O'Connell's pub.. </plug>


  5. Westboro is where I grew up.. but I'm banking on Hintoburg being the next big thing (maybe in 10 years?)

    I've been able to travel all over North America and I'm happy to say that Ottawa is the place for me. Big city advantages with small town advantages as well. I love that if I drive north for like 10 minutes I'm in the middle of the bush, and how from my house I can walk to pubs, restaurants, markets and the river all within minutes.

    and I'm an old Carleton student as well.

    my biggest complaint, I find the live music scene to be a bit weak, but I'm loving the festivals that come through here in the summer.

    and maybe it's not that the live music scene is all that weak, maybe it's just there are very few big clubs any more, and since I play in the 13 piece r&b band, we need a big stage to play on.

    anyway.. my 0.02

    yay for Ottawa

  6. oh man.. that sucks.. so you got the DVD at HMV?

    I try not to shop at places like HMV.. I prefer to give my hard earned dollars to the independant shops. I work near CD Warehouse so I went there to pick up Undermind this morning, driving past a HMV, a Future Shop and a Best Buy on the way, only to find that the copy they had at CD Warehouse didn't have the DVD.

    I was a bit bummed but I figured that maybe the DVD didn't make it into Canada.. but I totally would have gone to any of the box stores to get the DVD if I had known..

    I'm going to be kicking myself forever now

    anyway.. I quite like the CD.. yeah it's a bit of a departure but I really didn't like Round Room and not even so much Farmhouse. I dunno.. this CD is pretty cool so far, but we'll have to see if it stands the test of time. If I still enjoy listening to it in 6 months then I'll say it's a good CD.. if not.. well.. at least I can say I own every studio CD by Phish.

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