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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. I'm not sure what thatpatguy was getting at...I read the props for greenday and the booing of DB and really forgot everything else put forth by him because those are two very weak, uninformed comments as far as I'm concerned...

    My comment was simply in reply to claiming (again, obviously with an uninformed opinion) that the works of David Byrne and the Talking Heads were done because other music of the day was schooled and complicated...ABSOLUTLY NOT TRUE!!!

    I would say DB and the Talking Heads were far ahead of thier time and DB still is today!!! New Wave, Alt, Post-Punk and even Art will all work for the Heads...they were RISD drop outs...first four shows were opening for the Ramones...The early experimantal help of Mr. Brian Eno and above and beyond all THE GENIUS MUSICAL MIND OF DAVID BYRNE!!!

    Gawpo Giggles :: :: ::


    Well.. I do consider Talking Heads to be a punk band.. and I consider David Byrne to be a genius. And not just a musical one either.. his graphic design work is stellar.

    Maybe I wasn't clear, maybe it was that my opinion on what makes a band punk is different that other peoples.

    I was by no means booing DB or any of his musical efforts. I list DB as number 5 in my top 5 favourite musicians. I also wasn't booing any of the other punk bands I listed. I like punk, it's great music (the real punk, not the mass marketed crap)

    I do consider him/them to be punk because when they started out they, like the other bands of that CBGB scene, were attempting "do it yourself" music. The early TH songs may not be as simple as as say the music of the Ramones, but you have to agree with me that they are not nearly as complex as say Emerson, Lake and Palmer.

    Talking Heads and DB grew though, and with that their music grew as well. Talking Heads 77 sounds nothing like Remain In Light, which sounds nothing like Little Creatures. Talk about a band that evolved.

    Personally I don't define punk as a specific sound or musical aesthetic, I define it as an approach to creating art, and I feel that David Byrne wanted to approach music making the same way as his CBGB peers (also.. Jerry Harison used to play for The Modern Lovers.. one of the pioneer bands of punk.. not that that necessarily means anything.. I just wanted to throw it in there).

    He even said himself that he wrote Psycho Killer just to see if he could write a pop song.

    Anyway.. I love David Byrne and Talking Heads, yes I consider them to be a punk band, yes I also like Green Day (well.. not so much anymore.. I prefer their earlier stuff before they became as big of a band as they are now), and yes I differentiate between Green Day and the Blink 182s out there. I'm sorry if I was unclear or if I rattled a few feathers.

  2. Here's a link to the first episode. I only watched the first two minutes but it looks like the exact same plot and script, just with American actors. I don't see the point when the original is so good.

    I found it was the same with the US version of Queer As Folk.. same plot, same script.. different actors.. and it just sucked (at least it did for me)

  3. Does 'hip hop' count as music? I hate that!

    I especially hate that vocal effect I've been hearing for five years that makes everyone sound the same. I'm sure I don't have to describe it.

    WE were bottling wine yesterday and forced to hear so-called hip hop and that annoying vocal effect.

    do you like Michael Franti? I'd call that hip hop

  4. exactly.. the artistic movement that people like Richard Hell, Patty Smith, David Byrne, Jonathan Richman (and the rest of the CBGB/east coast guys of the early 70s) were trying to set up was a counter to the increasingly complicated, schooled, and ultimately inaccessable rock music of the day.

    It was an attempt to return rock music to it's roots, a music for social misfits who just wanted to have a girlfriend and maybe a cool car. Songs about dragons and fairies (english prog rock) or psychedilec head trips (west coast rock) meant nothing to a bunch of awkward, poor, and rather lonely teenagers growing up in the urban neighborhoods of the eastern US.

    Today's pop punk of Blink 182 and Good Charlotte (I actually like a lot of Green Day's stuff.. and though they get lumped in with the pop punk of today I think they are a bit beyond that.. they aren't a band that's been assembled by a record label) reminds me of what happend to heavy metal in the 80s. A couple of bands showed there was money in it and all of a sudden every label was looking for the next Motley Crue.

    Like all trends this will burn itself out. Grunge (a rather obvious spin off of punk as far as I'm concerned) killed the excessive 80s hair metal.. I wonder what will kill of pop punk.. I'm hoping bluegrass myself :)

    ok.. I'll stop hijacking this thread.. sorry :)

    oh yeah.. and it's thatPATguy (no 'h') :)

  5. punk music all sounds the same. ( I know I hate it when people say that about jam music, but punk really does)

    I'll agree that today's pop punk music all sounds the same.. but I'd say there's a big difference between Black Flag, Patty Smith, The Ramones, The Clash and Gang of Four.

    If you want I could hook you up with some MP3s and you can see for yourself.. then you won't be wasting any money on buying music you'll potentially hate

  6. I'm not going to go with signer/band/album but rather I'm going to piss on a whole genre.. actually.. two whole genres

    genre the first: young country (so many pick up trucks)

    genre the second: mass produced pop punk (the hair metal of the new millenium)

  7. congrats on the show man.. that's awesome!

    I can hook you up with lots of groovy jazz, funk and soul stuff if you want to branch out a bit from the straight up "jam band" sound. I can also offer you any and all of my jam band records, both live and studio.

    I bet bradm can really help you out too, especially if you want to put a local/regional slant to the show.

    Having a radio show for the community is going to kick ass.. rock on man!

  8. well.. this seems to be the place to get the good job vibes, so I'm going to hit you all up now for some positive vibrations

    I hate (detest, abhor, loathe, despise) my current employment situation (to the point where I usually feel physically ill while at work) and I'm working on getting out.

    To get out I'm working on getting some freelance gigs so I can start my own company. I recently submitted some proposals and if I could get your good job gettin vibes for the next couple of days while I hear back that would be awesome..

    thanks guys.. I'll keep you all posted

  9. so.. I'm at work here right.. going through photos.com (a stock photography website) looking for some pics for this website I'm working..

    and up pops this photo of my step brother.. who I always though worked for a head hunter company in the T-Dot.. but apparently he's living the swank life of a male super model.. I never knew..

    you can see his claim to fame here

    too funny!

    he's getting this pic, framed, with the caption "I'm not a doctor, I just play on in stock photography" for his birthday.

  10. dimafleck posted a thread about it here back in November..

    anyway.. Hardee's ain't got nothing on this burger:


    that's Denny's Beer Barrel Pub's 6-pound Ye Olde 96er. It sells for $23.95 and includes the following fixings and condiments:

    Two whole tomatoes

    A half-head of lettuce

    12 slices of American cheese (what the hell is american cheese anyway?)

    A full cup of peppers

    Two entire onions

    A river of mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard

    Denny's (not to be confused with the national chain restaurants of the same name) offers prizes for customers who can completely consume one of their big burgers within three hours: a T-shirt, certificate, and 50% discount for anyone who finishes a Challenger (2 lb. burger) within an hour; a T-shirt, certificate, and 100% discount for anyone who can polish off a Baby Boy (3 lb. burger) in 90 minutes or less; and something special for anyone who manages the unthinkable and puts away a whole 96er (6 lb. burger) in under three hours.

    Most recently, a 19 year old college student from NJ (weighing in at a meager 115 pounds) actually completed the challenge (the first one to date). You can read about it here

    And they wonder why everyone hates (or at least makes fun of) the States..

    though I have to admit.. it does look good..

    mmmmmmmmmmm... 6 pound burger

  11. I'm a huge fan of the Amazing Race and I'm so glad that Jon and Victoria are gone. I love the show but I hate those insane couples. I want them to bring back Kevin & Drew and those two over the top latino gay guys.. that's good TV

    I've been searching high and lo for a vid of Mary Roach's performance last night.. it'll be up eventually.. if anyone can find it they should post it here

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