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Posts posted by thatpatguy

  1. I don't like Harper, I don't like Bush

    if they weren't just doing lines and swapping wives I don't like it ::

    (I was originally implying Bush is likely teaching Harper Fear Mongering 101 so Canada will become more manageable for the republicans after our next election, just so you know)

    oh I gotcha.. yeah.. weird that Harper would get special treatment eh

  2. Mad Bartholomew Kidd

    Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

  3. thatpatguy, sound very omminus and spooky to me... fear mongering lessons perhaps

    standard protest gear is usually a tight weave scarf you can wear over your face, bring some vinegar in your pocket to wet the scarf with a bit in case of tear gas... helps make it a bit more breathable though it doesn't help your eyes (goggles?)

    only thing is television news will call you an anarchist for trying to breathe ::

    90% of everything I say shouldn't be taken seriously :) I can be really sarcastic when I'm not careful..

    so no fear mongering on my part..

  4. check this paisley.. Harper got a private meeting with Bush (freaky) but both Layton and Duceppe (sp?) only got short public meetings.. wtf?

    anyway.. Meggo.. I'd love to join you but if Nat (my wife) is downtown I gotta boot it hoom to let the dog out.. but have fun eh.. I'd love to be there

  5. this is what my wife just emailed me:

    I just got back from lunch....HUGE protest march was going west on laurier. Lots of people, lots of signs (oil for blood, bush isn't welcome in canada, bush is the terrorist, etc.) catchy sing-song of "how many kids did you kill today". I found it all to be quite impressive. Lots of hippy-looking kids for the most part, but all ages, grandparents included

  6. this guy had the estimate at around 3,500 - 4,000

    apparently they got a real hippie jam going on now too.. drums, bag pipes, chanting, cheering..

    they aren't at the Hill yet though.. here is a recent photo..


    so I'm not sure where the party is.. still on Laurier?

    My wife works on Laurier.. I sent her an email asking if she could see what's what.. no word yet though

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