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Everything posted by ollie

  1. I'll take that one step further and say that I fucking love the version of Liberty on There And Back Again. Ha! Dark Star wasn't overplayed but it is overrated. I like the melody but I can do without the aimless noodling, squeaks and squonks.
  2. You forgot to add "except for Ottawa". Shame on you.
  3. I'm sure this is Alfie's fault somehow.
  4. ollie

    Hoagie House

    American frat boys?
  5. When I was in high school the pizza on "Pizza Day" came from Fida's. We called it "fetus" pizza. I'm sure it tasted just fine though.
  6. Well, yeah, I can figure that stuff out: more inclusive, more history, etc. But looking at it objectively shouldn't the cup with the higher calibre field (i.e. top 4 divisions only) be considered more prestigious?
  7. So why is the FA Cup considered a bigger deal when the only difference between it and the league cup is the watered down field in the qualifying rounds?
  8. Ahh, the old "It's just a poxy league cup" routine. I expected more from you Andre.
  9. Sounds like you have many years of exploring and appreciating the music of Geneis ahead you. I didn't much care for sides 3 & 4 of The Lamb back when I first seriously listened to it in high school. Wasn't until many years later and after seeing TMB perform the whole shebang before I delved into the second half and fell in love with songs like Anyway, The Lamia, Colony of Slippermen, RIDING THE SCREE, In The Rapids and it. Which is why I think you might be making a mistake in poo-pooing the reunion talk so soon. I know I've gone through anti-Phil stages where I too would have blown off a "half-assed" reunion but I know I would have regretted it later. I still regret not seeing them at the CNE in '86 because I was too cool for Phil. Anyway, we won't be seeing this tour over here for about a year. Plenty of time to deprogram you.
  10. What was that bollocks about silent Liverpool fans?
  11. In all my time living in Sandy Hill I've never even thought about going in there. Is it even open to the public? Never could figure out that place.
  12. Just want to clarify that I meant televangelists and the like, and not their followers.
  13. Ok, that's cool man. I just don't want you missing out on a piece of Genesis history, you seem like such a fan. Have you seen the Genesis '76 video? It might give you some appreciation for what Phil did for the band after Gabriel left. And, ahem, "average" songs on The Lamb.
  14. That's an interesting take d_rawk. I need to look into this story more but my initial cynical reaction is to believe that he knew what he was doing, on both ends of the scale. Then again I tend to think that evangelicals have to be sociopaths in the first place. That he was also a drug and sex addict is something I assume goes with the territory. Look at Jim Baker and Jerry Falwell. I also see this in the big picture as another expose on the prudish hypocrisy of religion and our society at large when it comes to sexuality. But yeah, this will be spun for political gain and scandalous headlines and nothing more. Until Ted Haggard's redemption that is.
  15. Here's some more information, from a post on the TMB mailing list:
  16. Enjoy it for what it is. Believe me, I am by far a bigger fan of the Gabriel era but I'm not going to throw out the baby with the bath water. You wouldn't be interested in hearing their take on songs like this? (Just guessing which oldies they might play.) Squonk Dance on a Volcano Los Endos One For The Vine I Know What I Like The Musical Box The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Cinema Show Carpet Crawlers Firth Of Fifth Cinema Show Supper's Ready (Apocalypse 9/8 > ending section maybe) P.S. And as much as I love what TMB have done for hardcore fans, I'd still rather see these 3 Genesis members playing the music they wrote.
  17. Remember this guy? Looks like he's living large! I love the internets. Turkish man says he's the real Borat
  18. Acutally, this bit from Tony Banks gives me hope:
  19. I hope they don't do that to the hardcore audience that has kept them alive during their dormancy. I also hope that Collins recent foray with The Musical Box has him all jazzed about playing some of the old stuff again. Might be fun to put together a potential setlist.
  20. This has been common knowledge amongst Genesis fans for the past few weeks but now it's official. As watered down as this will be (nothing would beat a Peter Gabriel-era reunion), I'm still hoping for a good run of Ontario dates. Genesis to reunite for European tour
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